No one can come to God the Father but through Him. What
that simply means is that every person on this earth is
"in the same boat" so to speak. We are all lost sinners, saved
because of Jesus. Actually, the word is grace—His
willingness to go to the cross and die for our sins. It's only
through the shedding of His precious, perfect blood
and our acceptance of that gift that entitles us to heaven.
So, bluntly, we will not be able to enter heaven without Jesus
living in our heart, and He comes into our heart by invitation
only. We have to ask Him. We must admit that we are sinners
and that we need a Savior. That is the first and most important
step in becoming a Christian. Then, the more we get to know
our Savior, the more we grow in becoming better Christians.
I'm discovering that the greatest Christian is not the one who is
visibly doing everything, but rather the one who knows what a
great sinner he or she is and how badly he or she needs a Savior.
And the greatest news is—we have One! He's just waiting for YOU.