The Oxymorons 2000


Sporey says:

Yummy puppies like to jump over large fences because it makes them feel pretty and little girls have to do that before they turn six years old so they can be a man when they grow up to be ladies in the queen's imperial forces of Liberia and iceland where people roast in hot springs all day long so they can be strong for tuesday's french exam that will take place in room 101 of driver's school of thought where they learn to become tall little giants in Arabia so they can assassinate the princess bee of the hive that is outside my friend's window on wednesday's in february and july only because they like to thump the door and eat kidney stones for labor day and trow, row your boat gently down dellaware so we can rest in peace.

I'm done now.

The Brains Udderly Speaking Foot Links Pictures! Pics! & Pix Oxymoronic Game Frame From the Cows' Mouth

Pictures! Pics! & Pix!

Well, uh, pictures of us doing fun things, and some other cool shots.

Udderly Speaking

Message Board, Chat Room, you know, the regular stuff.

Foot Links

Links, duh! (To other pages and stuff).

Oxymoronic Game Frame

A bunch of fun games to pass the time!

The Brains

Meet the members, and have a ball.

From the Cows' Mouth

Wonderful works written by wonderful morons. Just wonderful!

| . : What's new? : . |

9.12.00 -- Tis a low-down dirty shame... the website has been pronounced dead by Monk Nova, of Alex B fame. I don't like to call it dead--I prefer to believe that it is just taking a rather long nap. Hey everyone needs their rest, right? Most everything is still here and working, however it's apparent that nobody will be using them. Maybe we can get an Oxymorons 2001 website up and running in January. That would be fun. Goodness knows we've all got nothing better to do.


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"Oxymorons 2000" website Copyright © 2000 by Enrico Spada (so don't you dare!)
See doggie run. This website brought to you by the number 17,984 and the letter þ.
This site quality checked by Joey Riela (fat!)
The word "midiness" is copyright © Alex B's ingenious mind.