AR : Computers > C/C++


My Stuff

Here are a few things that I've made. Most of these were made long ago and I've lost track of things as I haven't done any C/C++ programming in years.
S.No Name Description
1. Filecomp File comparison utility. Any OS, Compiler.
2. GUI Header files for making GUI apps. Turbo C++, DOS
3. Imager 3.0 MS Paint like utility. DOS, Turbo C++
4. Quad Quadratic Equation Solver (Really dumb). DOS
5. Splitf Utility to split and combine files. DOS
6. SVGA256 BGI driver for high resolution (till 1280x1024), 256 color graphics on a DOS machine. Also includes some code illustrating usage. Turbo C++, DOS.
7. C2HTML Indents, highlights and creates HTML of a C/C++ file. Highlight styles can be changed from configuration files. Keywords etc. can be added or removed. OS: Any, Compiler: Any. Tested on Linux, DOS, Windows (All).

Last updated: 30th May 2004