Free graphics/graphics help Good for a laugh! Illustrated musings photos miscellaneous goodies Join me in the garden Maggies Kitchen

Cain't see that image map? Don't you worry 'bout a thing, darlin'

#1: Visit Maggie's Graphics Factory, but bookmark this here cafe first!
#2: Opinions - we all got 'em
#3: Maggie's Diary - Maggie tells all... well, some
#4: The Dreaded Family Album - Pics of folks you don't know -
#5: The Junk Drawer - all that stuff that don't fit anywhere else

Alright, let's face it... some of us couldn't pour pee outta boot without instructions writ on the heel, so pay attention.

Nine outta 10 Ladies prefer Netscape!
I surely do... and try that 800x600 resolution bidness.

Now, this ain't hard. Click on them numbers you see around the room to get a feel for your hostess' true nature! Everybody knows, when it comes to those Steel Magnolias, what you see ain't necessarily what you get at all! Yeah, butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, but...