As I was sitting at my computer one day, I decided to make a links page. Now, I am happy to say that I have my very own page of links.

Some of these links belong to people I know. Some belong to people that I don't know, but I thought that they were worthy enough to be put on my page. Feel free to visit all of the links. What you find on them may surprize you.

If you're really perceptive, you'll notice that all of the links that belong to people I know are personal homepages, and the links that belong to people I don't know are pages that are kept up by businesses and stuff like that.

My Other Pages

The International House of Nuts!!!

This is my other creation on the WWW. It is dedicated to all the nutty people and all the nuttiness in the world.

Jessica's MIDI Library

This is my library of MIDI files. There is some great music ranging from 311 to Garth Brooks to Tori Amos to Journey.

My Autobiography Page

This is my page dedicated to my life story. Since I am not deceased, this page will be perpetually under construction.

Little Known Facts About Me

This page is dedicated to all of my deepest, darkest secrets. Enter at your own risk!

Pages That Belong To People I Know

Scott's Homepage

This is my older brother's homepage. It's currently under extermely heavy construction because it is brand new. But I know Scott, and I know it will be good. Perhaps it will surpass my page in greatness! Yeah, right!!!*s*

Clint Bellanger's Homepage

A wonderful page made by a wonderful friend. Clint is the kind of friend everyone should have. If you get the opportunity to get to know him, do so. You won't regret it.

Scott's Little Spot

This is my Scott's little music heaven. We go to school together, and we are both serious band nerds, and we're not afraid to admit it!

Matt Casse's Bowling Team

This is Matt's page dedicated to his bowling team. I go to school with him too. And he to, is a band person. There's a lot of us!!!

Toasty's Town

This is Toasty's Page. His page really rocks. He's a computer science major after all. His page makes mine look bad.... =( By the way, he's a band nerd also!

Dawn's Homepage

Dawn is a cool person that I know from school, and you guessed it, Band.

Hood's Home

This is Greg's page. Greg is a strange guy, but hey, who am I to judge, I mean, I am a band nerd after all. Oh, I also know Greg from band.

Sweetie's Homepage

I know Sweetie from ICQ. She's a cool girl.

Henri's Shang-ra-la

Henri's page is pretty neat. He has this section that is dedicated to dragons. So, if you love dragons, definately go and see this page!

Cajuns on the Net

I joined Cajuns on the Net because I am Cajun and I am on the Net. So, if you or anyone you know would like to join, go here and sign up.

Ah, the Solace

This is Paul's page. Go here and read his literature, his life story and see pictures of his daughter (she's so cute). I suggest that you check it out. It's definately worth seeing.

The Underground

The Underground is maintained partially by Neilix. It's pretty nifty. If you go there, make sure you read the Commandments.

Central Lafourche High School

Central Lafourche High School--Home of the Mighty Trojans!! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is where I attend school. The page is pretty neat. Go check it out.

Pages That Belong To People I Don't Know

Dawson's Creek

Everyone knows that Dawson's Creek is the just about best thing since sliced bread. I mean, what can I say? This show just kicks me (and everyone else that I know) in the butt. It rocks. I give it two thumbs up!! I give it five stars!!! It's just completely killer!


Felicity......enough said.

Ultimate Band List

The title says it all. It's the best place on the internet for anything musically-related.

Community Coffee

Community Coffee is the best coffee in the state of Louisiana. As a matter of fact, it is the Official State Coffee of Louisiana. Go here to check out their page, and learn about the history of Community Coffee.


If you like Coke--go here. Always Coca-Cola.


Or if you like Pepsi--go here. It's the choice of a new generation.


Okay. If you like 7-up go here. It's an up thing.


This is another place where you can get a free homepage.


Get your very own Slambook! here. It's just like the slambooks you used to sign when you were in grade school, only they're on the internet! I have one.

Guest World

You can get your free guest book here. I have one.

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If you have any questions, comments, or just some friendly words, feel free to send them to me at this address.

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