Bard's Journal

This is my chosen artform...well, one of them. These works are here for your enjoyment. All poems by me are copyrighted and mine alone. If you wish to link to this page, feel free to, but give credit where credit is due. If you wish to publish any of my origonal works, you must email me and we will discuss it. If I find out that anyone has published any of my original writings without my express written permission, I will presecute! (yes, Mr. Thinks-he-"MAY"-be-too-mighty-for-me-sue, that means you. Specifically and personally YOU!)

Due to the fact that a certain person (mentioned above) has taken it upon themself to violate my copyright on numerous occasion...out of spite, pure meanness, or just because "the devil made him do it," my poetry journal was taken offline for a long period of time. Here are a few pieces returned, out of the nearly 50 that had previously appeared on this site, for those who have asked to see my writing. See above note about what happens if you violate my copyright.

Or see the Quote of However-Long-I-Feel-Like-Leaving-It

The Winters Have Not Yet Come
Timothy's Song
Calling Spring
In Three
One Voice
Cat's Blessing
These Walls
A Three Hour Tour
Teh Night-Wise Wanderer

