South Carolina
South Carolina

Music by Dayle K.

Tate, Willis, G.PCDODDalton, Ga.Notes
Taylor, J.PDDODUnknownNotes
Thompson, JamesPEKIAFranklin, Tn.Notes
Thompson, JamesPHDODFlorence, S.C.Notes
Thompson, John J.PBDIPRock Island, Il.Notes
Tinsley, JohnPGDODCovington,Ga.Notes
Tollison, DanielPEDIPRock Island, Il.Notes
Tollison, EdwardPEDODAdams Run, S.C.Notes
Tollsion,ThomasPEDODRome, Ga.Notes
Tompkins, JanPKKIAJonesboro, Ga.Notes
Tomkins, JonesPDKIAGa.Notes
Trammell, FlemingPHDODHomeNotes
Traynham, Waddy T. PEDODHomeNotes
Twiner, W.M.PDODCharleston, S.C.Notes
Twitty, Charles R.SADODColumbia, S.C.Notes
Vaughn, RobertPBDODAdams Run, S.C.Notes
Vaughn, Henry G.SIKIAFranklin, Tn.Notes
Vaughn, Jesse A.CEDIPCamp Chase, Oh.Notes
Vaughn, Pascal D.SIKIAFranklin, Tn.Notes
Vaughn, T.R.PIDOWKennesaw Mt.,Ga.Notes
Vaughn, ThomasPFKIANashville, Tn.Notes
Wade, John, Sr.PGKIADallas, Ga.Notes
Wallace, Joseph L.SAKIAFranklin, Tn.MC
Wallace, Wm.PBDODAtlanta, Ga.Notes
Watson, John, J.LT.DDODColumbia, S.C.Notes
West, Philman H.PADODAAdams Run, S.C.Notes
White, Solomon A.PIDODAugusta, Ga.Notes
White, Young MosesPIKIAFranklin, Tn.MC
Williams, John L.SAKIAFranklin, Tn.MC 84-25
Yates, BarneyPGKIAFranklin, Tn.Notes

Notes: MC-McGavock Cemetary CR-Conflicting Information concerning service or death.

Rank for enlisted is first letter only of most simplified form (P)-Private, (S)- Sergeant. Officers rank is first two letters of most simplified form. (LT.)-Lieutenant, (CA.)-Captain.

DOD-Died of Disease
DIP-Died in Prison
KIA-Killed In Action
DOW-Died of Wounds

To return to the Necrology follow General Gist, to go Home follow the flag.