The Roberts family

Home page




Hi, Welcome to the Roberts Family Home Page. In this place we will try to showcase our hobbies and our work. My wife Adele and I (Rick) take great pride in our family, our hobbies, and our work. We have three children, Robin, Tara, and Kevin. Our hobbies include airplane building, stained glass, sewing, homebrewing, and housebuilding. We live in a house we built 9 years ago in a small town in Northern San Diego County, California.

To keep us busy in our non-hobby and family time, both Adele and I are engineers. Adele is a Chemical Engineer and I am a chemist that has worked all of my time as an engineer, mostly in the composites and chemical industries. We are both especially good at process control, instrumentation, and getting difficult processes to work repeatably. We met while working on a project to control the curing of composites.  We have formed a company called Roberts and Roberts Engineering to do these typically difficult control scenarios. Please E-mail us for more details.

Keep checking back as this site will continue to grow.



Just a note: Progress on the King Kozy has at best been abysmal. I broke my ankle in July and haven't caught up with my business work enough to finish it. I'm also refurbishing a Cessna 150 which has been also been sucking the life out of me. The King will be finished someday (otherwise my wife will kill me!)

King Kozy Progress as of 16 May 1998

King Kozy Progress as of 2 April 1998

King Kozy Progress as of 11 February 1998

King Kozy Progress as of 11 January 1998

King Kozy Progress as of 8 November 1997

King Kozy Progress as of 1 Sep 97

Rick's King Kozy Homebuilt Airplane

Adele's Stained Glass Projects 


Rick's Resume:

Adele's Resume:


Rapid Product Development Class Information

Page 1 of RPD Class Info

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This page last updated: 11/15/99 by Rick Roberts.

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