Now let us examine the motor memory channels, in accordance with the mind-diagram. The motor memory channels are the polar opposite of the sensory memory channels. The motor memory channels contain memory slices not of external experience, but rather of internal, dynamic activation of themselves. This difference is critical for your understanding of the sentient grid at the bottom level of the mind. Motor memory is not passive, it is dynamic. If you make associative access to a motor memory node on a motor memory fiber, you unavoidably send out a signal to contract a muscle at the destination of the associated motor nerve. As you examine the mind-diagram, notice that the sensory memory fibers flow in parallel with, but never touch, the motor memory fibers. Yet the sensory side of the mind controls the motor side of the mind. "Concrete associative tag fibers" flow between the sensory and the motor sides of the sentient grid. As was discussed above with reference to the sensory modalities, concrete associative tags flow at a right angle to all the lifelong memory channels. Just as the memory fibers are all in parallel, likewise all the associative tags in the flat sentient grid flow in parallel. By flowing in parallel, the associative tags preserve the historical record of each successive moment in time. If a central nervous system did not have memory as a record of experience (and as an enabling mechanism for learning), then its sensory nerves would have to lead directly to its motor nerves. No variations of behavior would be possible, and the whole organism would be pre-programmed genetically to respond to stimuli always in the same way. When evolution introduces memory channels, it is essential to buffer or separate the sensory and motor systems so that they do not fuse together and so that what intercourse occurs can occur with great discrimination and precision. Therefore, the sensory and motor channels do not meet head-on, but rather they attain a close proximity and then flow in parallel. en elaboración, pronto estará completado
diversos canales en autómata pensante mínimo con referencias a los de memoria motriz
Pulsar tecla de vuelta
Glosario de Carlos von der Becke.