Definición Muy en general se puede afirmar que el cerebro es basicamente un mecanismo etiquetador de un mundo desetiquetado (Edelman), y el efecto de etiquetar es el de prestarle especial atención a algun input. El autómata pensante mínimo debiera tener dos mecanismos etiquetadores, a saber, un mecanismo etiquetador de inputs sensoriales (en especial auditivos) y otro mecanismo, también etiquetador, de hábitos motrices verbales ya ensayados - penosamente - en las etapas iniciales de aprendizaje del habla, mecanismo que Murray abrevia llamándolo VMHTS. Una vez ensayados dichos hábitos en gestión, sobreviene la habituación de juntar fonemas para armar palabras con ellos .
There are two forms of habituation necessary in the language system: the habituated linking of phonemes to form words, and the habituation of grammar rules. I physically separated those two domains of habituation: to put phoneme habituation into the VMHTS "cerebellum" and to let grammar-rule habituation develop right within the auditory memory channel itself. The auditory memory channel should enable the mind to "hear itself think." There should be a sort of internal return loop so that the motor mind could hear its own output and simply make a choice as to whether or not that output would actually be spoken. Now, however, it may prove radically simpler to let the very sound-volition system be hearable unto itself and serve as its own self-perception system. The way to achieve that self-perception would simply to deposit its results in the form of an utterance-capsule at the freshest extremity of the auditory memory channel. The hopefully creative process is starting out with our mind thinking of a black-box mechanism for which it has a purpose but for which it can not yet describe the interior workings. The purpose is partially that we want the VMHTS at its output to have control of discrete individual motor sound units, and we want the interior VMHTS to group together those units as an avalanche string to go with any desired "conceptual address node" punctually representing a word which is really a string of motor sound units. In other words, we want the single node, coupled with volition, to be able to produce rapidly the whole string of verbal sound units in the given word. We want the automaton to be able to spend some time learning the "habit" of the sound-string, and thenceforth to be able to pronounce it briskly and in such a way that the associated verbal habit tagging mechanism functions only beneath the surface and does not intrude into the conscious process of uttering or thinking the word..Our other partial purpose is that we may want the same VMHTS to incorporate the grammar structures of language.
We are tending to theorize now that the VMHTS is allowed to associate itself directly with the invisible concepts and use them as important elements in the linguistic habituations which it achieves. Well, yes, we might as well posit an ability of the VMHTS to seek out and attach any concept it needs.
Of course, I guess it will use those concepts on a yes-or-no basis. For instance, when dealing with "singularity/plurality" it will answer one or both of those questions with "yes" or "no." Or it may just accept the association/activation line of the concept as an input calling for a certain learned (habituated) operation. For instance, with "past/present/future" it's not an either-or operation, it's a question of which one. Likewise the imperative mood might be just a single input.
But there is a fundamental difference between the concepts in general and the habituation-linked concepts. The general ones just float around, and when they are summoned (randomly) they must so-to-speak identify themselves by bringing with them associative-tag bundles which influence the course of thought and, by so doing, constitute the functioning of the concept as a concept. On the other hand, the invisible habituation-linked concepts are already pre-identified any time they go into activation, and they don't have a direct, conscious influence on thought, but rather they affect the generation of sentences in a predetermined (habituated) way. We might say that they effect the translation of a concept into a linguistic phenomenon.
The VMHTS must learn to process the nodes according to what signals they are coupled with. The nodes will be freely variable, and the signals will be constant and invariable, except of course that they can be learned and unlearned.
It now begins to look as if we don't care how many nodes are coming in, whether one or a dozen more. Because a node is just a word, and its grammatical role is determined by its signal or signals.
The changes that can be worked upon a node/word are changes with regard to its sound-form and its position in a sentence. The sound-form changes are changes in the so-to-speak "reins" or control-units of verbal motor memory. In our automaton we might incorporate forty such control-units for forty discrete sounds. At any rate, the verbal motor control-units are at the mercy of the VMHTS. The VMHTS sets them up to work in certain ways, but it is always at liberty to change those procedures, as when learning a new language.
The S-delta (for part of speech) actually must organize the whole show. The place of a word in syntax will depend upon what part of speech it is functioning as.
The initial push to generate a sentence will come when the consciousness seizes upon a salient concept and associates a word. In order to pass into the VMHTS to start generating a sentence, the salient word/node will first have to pass through a kind of screen set up by the habituation of the S-deltas in the VMHTS.
The S-delta-screen would allow only certain parts of speech to start a sentence. I'm having trouble right now trying to think of an English part of speech that thus would not be allowed to start a sentence, and I can only cite that we rarely start a declarative sentence with a verb. Sometimes we say things like: "Running! He's running!"
. The VMHTS itself does not select concept-nodes, it just arranges them for communication.
Obviously, I have heaped a lot of the burden of sentence-generativity into the associativity area. That is to say, my machine can generate sentences if concepts can activate the various control-nodes and word-nodes
Pulsar tecla de vuelta
Glosario de Carlos von der Becke.