Viruses: The Unknown Frontier

Viruses are not known that well. In fact most of what we know about viruses comes from "old wives tales." Such as you can catch "cold" from going outside on a cold day without wearing a jacket. With this web site I hope to clear up alot of this confusion about fact and fiction.

I am a high school student that became very interested in viruses after reading about the Ebola outbreaks in Africa. After finding out about Ebola I went on to try to find out about viruses in general. This site is an accumulation of what I have found out in the last two years of my research.

I hope to update this page frequently so keep an eye on it. And please enjoy your visit!

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What is a Virus? 

  Types of Viruses

  Level 4 Viruses



What is a virus?

Types of Viruses

Level 4 Viruses


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