KRIZEVCI C O P Y Technical School of Agriculture Krizevci* Tel:(385-48)681003 Mislava Demerca 1 Fax:(385-48)681597 43260 Krizevci Visa poljoprivredna skola Krizevci Staf/Position Dr.Mirko Gagro, Dean Details of holdings Not available. KRIZEVCI Agricultural Institute Krizevci* Tel:(385-48)68-1003/1622 Mislava Demerca 1 Fax:(385-48)681597 43260 Krizevci Poljoprivredni institut Krizevci Staf/Position Dr.Mirko Gagro Details of holdings Not available. 46 |
By misusing a Dean's authority and power Dr.
Gagro forced his professor of chemistry to put him as
co-author on scientific paper in mathematical
chemistry, to which he, as crop production specialist,
is completely unfamiliar and without any contribution:.
Jurić, A., M.
Gagro, Sonja Nikolić, N. Trinajstić:
1. Klobučar, Gračan, Todorić. (1983, 1989.)
Opće ratarstvo (Osnove biljne proizvodnje), Školska knjiga, Zagreb
2. Gračan, Todorić. (1990.) Specijalno ratarstvo,
Školska knjiga, Zagreb
.COPY OF ORIGINAL.. posebno ratarstvo. . . . . |
Hrvatsko agronomsko društvo Glavni i odgovorni urednik:
Tehnički urednik:
Objavljivanje ovog udżbenika
za stručni studij odobrio je
Bibliografija: str. 250 - 256 - Kazalo
Prof. dr. Stevan Jevtić, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad Prof. dr. Milan Šuput, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd-Zemun Prof. dr. Josip Gotlin, Fakultet poljoprivrednih znanosti, Zagreb Prof. dr. Aleksandar Pucarić, Fakultet poljoprivrednih znanosti, Zagreb Prof. dr. Nadezda Miletić, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Sarajevo Prof. dr. Stavre Klimov, Zemljodelski fakultet, Skoplje Prof. dr. Jordan Djordjevski, Zemljodelski institut, Skoplje Prof. dr. Joże Španring, Biotehnicki fakultet, Ljubljana Doc. dr. Goce Vasilevski, Zemljodelski fakultet, Skoplje POSEBNO RATARSTVO, I DEO Izdavač
Za izdavača
Tehnički urednik
Tiraż 2000 primeraka Štampa: Beogradski
It is easy to find excuses to do nothing, but someone who has witnessed misconduct has unmistakable obligation to act. For more about it see: Responding to Violations of Ethical Standards. Professions that do not keep themselves ethical and credible lose their autonomy. See also: Do scientist need a professional code of ethic?
According to article under the title: "DEAN IVAN GOTIC WAS STILING SCIENTIFIC PAPERS" published in Croatian weekly magazine NACIONAL (July 16, 1997), beside others Dr. Gotic as author published several projects in magazine "GRADJEVINAR". In facts, the published projects were stolen by his son, assistant at Geotechnical faculty Varazdin, at that moment on postgraduate study at Austrian Institute for Geotechnical Research - ARSENAL, and sent to his father in Varazdin. Before publishing, Dr. Gotic even did not change the titles of the stolen projects. The only change was in location (Gradinger in Austria become Turcin near Varazdin).
According to the same article, in 1993. Dr. Gotic enclosed scientific works of Dr. Gazarek to his application for collaborator of Academy of technical sciences.
And what happens? Instead of punishment for his plagiarism, he has got a honour for distinguished achievement of invention. (?!) Is it possible?
The Union of scientific workers express objection in an open letter to the president of R. Croatia - Dr. Franjo Tudman.
Who else is also honoured for incorrect behaviour regarding civil rights violation of professors at Zagreb University?