I am not trying to undermine any possibility you may have
of yet successfully prosecuting the real culprits responsible
for "Irangate", sir, but i do still owe "The Islamic Conference
Organization" a submission containing in part a copy of that August, 1986 statement to "The
Arab League" that i sent via U.N. ASSISTANT
SECRETARY-GENERAL Goran Ohlin--what i think likely piqued
the consciences of certain Arabs enough to lead to the November
3, 1986 Ash-Shiraa (called by Reagan: "that rag
in Beirut") article exposing the Reagan Administration
arms sales to Iran.
There is clearly an insufficient understanding by a lot of
parties of the risks involved in not only using nuclear arms,
but threatening to use them...and even having too many of
There will be Moslems aware of my work since 1978--for instance,
the new "Arab League"
SECRETARY-GENERAL, Dr. Abdel-Meguid, is the very
Egyptian official i kept in touch with after my 1978 work, and
was formerly his DEPUTY FOREIGN MINISTER--who will likely react
to more cautionary statements by me about nuclear arms by
pointing out that i've been saying this steadfastly since 1978
to them.
But there are those in the world who still don't understand that
violence, dishonesty, and sleaziness are the worst possible
components of a "new world order" because...that would be "more
of the same" from past human history and look where that has
brought us today.
We are lucky we're still here as a result of this Gulf War.
I will wait until at least January 24, 1992 before sending a
copy of this to Mr. Mitchell as that will be two days
after my next welfare cheque.
After that, sir, in due course i will have to substantiate for the U.N. SECRETARY-GENERAL what has been going on recently.
Season's greetings.
I decided i will also include here a copy of j) in reference to "Science Fiction". I
recall previously writing you about copies of things and
"27,000" nuclear arms is somewhat higher than the "80" or
"500-1000" necessary to trigger a "nuclear winter" according to
the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize winning "Physicians For The
Prevention of Nuclear War".
"Doctors of The World", indeed...
And k) here, i believe, relates to