The International Law Committee (I.L.C.) of the United Nations Association in Vancouver focuses on international law to achieve results for peace, the environment, sustainable development and human rights. There are a number of ways for you to become involved.
The United Nations Decade of International In promoting public and governmental Law, 1990-1999, was declared by the UN awareness some of our goals are to: General Assembly to promote acceptance and respect for the rule of law--not force--in the -Provide a vision for our com- relations between nations. This includes in- munity of what we want to do in creasing the global influence of the UN and the this decade. International Court of Justice at The Hague, Holland, as well as breaking new ground to- -Follow harmoniously with the wards appropriate international instruments for UN's lead in their program for this strengthening the rule of law in world affairs. The decade. vital aspects of international law are: Law Making -Organize people around the ideals of international laws by cre- Law Implementation ating or taking part in public events. Law Adjudication Law Enforcement
You, as one person can work with others The I.L.C. would like to enlist the committed to global change. The mission state- participation of our local community ment of the International Law Committee of the in Vancouver. You can take a leadership UN Association is to create projects designed to role or you can donate only 20 minutes increase awareness and support of the UN a month without leaving home. If you Decade of International Law. You don't have to would like to join this quest then limit yourself to local issues because you feel please contact: powerless to influence global issues. The big mistake people make is to do nothing when they Brian Ruhe, chairman can only do a little. UNA International Law Committee 661-4449 (office) or 736-0340 (home).The United Nations Association--Vancouver Branch 210-1956 W. Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. V6J 1Z2 Telephone 733-3912-Fax 736-8963