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Health Press Releases

Maidstone Labour Group


Labour believes that local government has a vital role to play in the health of the community.

Labour Councillors will:

Ensure that by adopting AGENDA 21, the Council has a positive role in an ongoing campaign for the reduction of pollution, the non-depletion of unrenewable resources, and the improvement of energy efficiency.

Closely scrutinise existing contracts for street cleansing and sweeping and refuse collection in order to secure the necessary improvements to the quality of service. .

Monitor the effective conduct of the environmental audit and ensure that the Health committee and the Performance committee and Policy and Resources committee oversee all Council activities which have an impact on the environment; and that they all contribute toward protecting and enhancing the environment.

Develop a drug and alcohol awareness campaign in the borough, particularly aimed at young people.

Continue to monitor pollutants and ensure not only that regular checks are made on air, water and land, but that such checks are carried out with EC standards.

Ensure that those in the community at risk shall be made aware of high levels of pollution during the course of the year.

Ensure attention will be paid to pollution by farmers, particularly through crop spraying.

Seek monitoring of town centre pollution, particularly the Chequers Centre bus mall, ensuring stringent checking and action against vehicles causing excessive pollution.

Address the problems of light and noise pollution.

Give priority to a target that by the year 2000, 50% of all recyclable domestic waste is recycled by encouraging the use and re-use of recycled products in the Borough. Use our power of influence and our power as a major purchaser to negotiate changes in methods of waste disposal, which encourage re-use and recycling. Seek to implement the Borough's recycling plan as a priority and ensure that all the planned measures are carried out to their full potential.

Encourage the development and use of Green Waste sites.

Introduce tougher monitoring of the contractors undertaking environmental services. Secure the speedy implementation of improvements in the service and specifications to improve standards. Introduce stringent performance indicators and customer contracts.

Make Maidstone nuclear free and highlight and campaign against the transportation of hazardous nuclear waste through the borough and chemicals and nuclear and hazardous waste dumping.

Campaign for extra resources for the underfunded NHS and adequate local services for local needs. Campaign for the retention of our Accident and Emergency department at Maidstone Hospital.

Take measures through schools and colleges and within the community generally to raise awareness of threats posed to the environment.

Copyright © 1996 [Labour Party Maidstone]. All rights reserved.
Revised: December 26, 1996.