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Borough Wide Local Plan

Maidstone Labour Group


Labour believes in a nation at work and an economic viability able to sustain long term growth.

Labour Councillors will:

Implement our policies to create a lively and dynamic town centre which incorporates a mix of uses, particularly leisure, housing and affordable housing in the town centre.

Ensure the preservation and encouragement of lively and dynamic villages which incorporate a mix of uses, including affordable housing.

Work in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry to ensure town centre support and a thriving economy.

Promote tourism in the borough.

Work with Kent Labour MEP's to ensure a fair deal from European funding for job creation in Maidstone.

Continue to insist that the area bordered by the High Level Bridge and Tovil on both banks of the river, including existing unsuitable developments, will be reserved for leisure and housing activities for the people of the Borough.

Be committed to the preservation and continuation of the traditional Maidstone Market on its existing lines on the Lockmeadow site.

Insist that developments must be of high quality and take into account the particular needs of the elderly, disabled, people with children and young people; and provide, where appropriate, benefits to the community in the form of a planning gain.

Ensure our plans for the revitalisation of the town centre will deter out of town shopping proposals, which we will continue to resist.

Continue to protect and enhance the countryside and urban open spaces and amenities. Improve public access by developing a network of green corridors and open spaces throughout the Borough.

Encourage high quality training.

Ensure that all new developments should be in sympathy with the existing characteristics in both rural and urban areas. We will resist the further proliferation of eyesores such as the Texas warehouses on the Riverside.

Continue to protect and enhance the communities of Maidstone to ensure a good supply of job opportunities for small local industries, affordable small factory units and the preservation of essential community services such as post offices and local stores.

Ensure that development proposals should incorporate a 'Forever Green' component; a part of the development which is guaranteed public green space, in trust, properly maintained with indigenous species for the sake of the people.

Copyright © 1996 [Labour Party Maidstone]. All rights reserved.
Revised: December 26, 1996.