MID-TERM The mid-term consists of sets of matching from chapters 1-10. This will be done as a take-home exam, and students may elect to 'correct' it for a one letter upgrade in their mark on this test(this must be completed before the final, and students should consult with instructor as to what needs to be done with each answer). FINAL The Final will cover Chapters 11-21 and videos. It will follow the format of the Mid-Term, but must be 'taken' in class on the last night of class. Due to the proximity to the end of the term, it is not possible to offer the option of improving the grade on the Final by correcting the exam. Because of work, school, and personal schedules, as well as the brevity of the term, it is very difficult to schedule 'make-up' exams. Every effort must be made to take the exam(s) on the dates scheduled. Only in the most dire circumstances will any make-ups be able to be arranged. QUESTION SETS At the end of each chapter, students will find a set of multiple choice questions. Much of classroom discussion will center around these questions. Students are to answer the questions at the end of each chapter and appendix and submit these answers. An answer sheet is provided with this syllabus for both sets of these questions. Unless otherwise noted, students should always put the answer suggested by the text author whenever there is a difference of opinion on the issue in question. PROBLEM SETS Students will find the problems they will be doing at the end of the indicated chapters in the text on the designated pages. By the time you come to do each problem, we will have done similar work in class together. The math and algebra requisites for the course are minimal, although proficiency in such would certainly be an advantage on the work, both practically and theoretically or conceptually. Continue 1