Centuries ago, the men that ruled Europe had a religion. A very old religion, thousand of years old. A religion based on the Honor and on the Nature's Laws. They were neither slaves nor servants of their Gods and Goddesses, but partners, comrades. This religion is know today as Ásatrú (or Asatro) . Ásatrú is the Faith of our ancestors kept alive in our souls, hearts and minds.

When the Christians arrived to Europe, they started a bloody campaign to eradicate Ásatrú. The "pagans" were persecuted, tortured and massacred in the name of a strange God, a God that was not from Europe, but from the deserts of the Middle East. Thousands were killed in the name of the Galilean. The Christians usurped the Holy days of the heathen people. They destoyed the temples, sacred places and statues and there they built churches. Suddenly, Yule was replaced by "Christmas"and Ostara by "Easter". Suddenly, the heathens were considered "evil". Thousands of years of traditions were buried in the name of "Peace".

Under this circumstances, Ásatrú entered in a lethargy. During this time, the old Faith was practiced only by a small number of individuals. This lethargy was broken only 579 years ago, when The Odin Brotherhood was founded.

Now, why people from Argentina, in the Southern Hemisphere, are part of this revival of the Old True Faith? Because Argentina is a european-rooted country, founded by europeans. We are the descendants of that brave men. In fact, we are descendants of the Goths, the Alammani, the Saxons, the Angles, the Lombard and many other germanic peoples. And all of them had the same religion, the same Gods and the same Goddesses. Ásatrú was the name of that ancient religion. Ásatrú is OUR religion.

Our task is to keep our ancestor's faith alive. That's the reason of our struggle. We are just returning to the ways of our ancestors. We do not need to learn but only to remember. Our forefathers were killed because they did not accept a strange religion. They died for us. Today, they live inside us, in our soul, in our deeds, in our thoughts. Because of their brave deeds, our Faith is alive. The Gods and Goddesses are with us.

The rebirth of the Old Ways is completely logical. Why? Because Ásatrú is a warrior's religion. And today we are at war. War against the New World Order and their cosmopolitanism. The NWO is trying to destroy the culture and the tradition. They want to create a "grey" culture; a culture without any distinctive characteristics. A culture of masses, a religion of masses. Mother Nature is under a serius menace of destruction. Ásatrú is against this. Our Faith is a Folkish Faith, a Natural Faith. Is the native Faith of the european people. That's why we are fighting: to keep our ancestor's Faith alive. We believe that the Traditions must be preserved, because onlu looking to the past we can ensure our future. And looking inside our souls, we see that the flame is alive. Looking inside, we became stronger, day by day. Ásatrú can't be destroyed, because is a Creed of Iron.

Nowadays, in the year 2000 of the Christian Era, we are stronger than before. Ásatrú is growing, and we are becoming an unstoppable force. Thousands of kindreds and individuals all over Midgard, our World, are returning to the Ancient Faith.

The Ásatrú Kindred of Argentina "Thor's Hammer" - Wolf's Alliance is part of this growing tide. We are trying to keep Ásatrú alive in the South of Vinland. This site is just a small part of our activities, but a very important one.

So, if you are interested in helping us, do not doubt it and mails us. And article, an image, an opinion. Everything is usefull.

Let the Aesir and the Vanir be with You.



Regarding the attacks of the "Soldiers of Christ"

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