Canada Customs wishes to confisate YOUR legal property

While In Canada

It is important to remember that in Canada it is forbidden for anyone at any time to carry any item for the purpose of self-defence. Admitting to any police officer at any time that any item in your posession is for the purpose of threatening or harming another person will make you immediately liable to being charged with having a weapon for a purpose contrary to the public order.

Furthermore, any item of a suspicious nature (ie machete) found in the passenger compartment of a vehicle will make you liable to be charged with posession of a weapon, and posession of a concealed weapon, regardless of what use you claim for the item.

Having said that, it is possible to walk in public with a 6 inch knife in a sheath, as long as it is in plain view, and as long as a non-weapon reason can be given for having it.

Self-defence Is NOT The Canadian Way

Nastrander Productions

Canada Customs Sucks/ 11 2006