Canada Customs wishes to confisate YOUR legal property

Personal Protection Permitted Entry

Thats about it

A CCRA Officer might try to ban any item, weapon or non-weapon from being admitted into Canada if the stated aim is to cause harm or threaten to harm another person, even in self defence. However, one can import many items useful for personal protection as long as the item was NOT designed for personal protection. You can bring the biggest carving knife you can find and not have to declare it as an offensive weapon. If it is discovered, you merely state that it is a kitchen utensil, NOT a weapon. You should not be accused of smuggling a weapon or failure to disclose that you have a weapon. The same thing with a baseball bat, golf club, 2 by 4, machete, anything at all as long as you do not declare its purpose as a weapon.

One must remember, an ITEM NOT designed as a weapon IS NOT A WEAPON UNTIL USED AS A WEAPON, OR UNTIL YOU DECLARE YOUR INTENT TO USE IT AS A WEAPON. So, if you have no items manufactured for the purpose of causing bodily harm one can answer "NO" when the customs agent asks if you are carrying any weapons.

ONLY items who's DESIGN PURPOSE or INTENDED PURPOSE is to inflict bodily harm must be declared as weapons.

Nastrander Productions

Canada Customs Sucks/ 11 2001/revsed September 9 2006