Canada Customs wishes to confisate YOUR legal property

Types of Items subject to Being Banned as "Illegal" Weapons

  1. All prohibited weapons
  2. All non-prohibited knife edged weapons with a declared weapon use.
  3. All other non-prohibited weapons with a declared weapon use
  4. All knife edged non-weapons with a declared weapon use.
  5. All other non weapon items with a declared weapon use.
  6. All non-prohibited knife edged weapons for which a declared non-weapon use was not accepted.
  7. All other non-prohibited weapons for which a declared non-weapon use was was not accepted.
  8. All knife edged non-weapon items for which a declared non-weapon use was not accepted.
  9. All other non weapon items for which a declared non-weapon use was not accepted.
  10. All non weapon items of a suspicious nature, regardless of your stated intended use.

NEVER accept the Agents declaration that the item is banned, and that you must abandon the item to procede. Insist that he confiscate it.

If the item is a banned item under the criminal code, you won't be given the option to abandon it, you will already have been informed that the item is confiscated.

If the officer says you need to abandon the item, it's probably because he has no legal justification to confiscate it.

What part of because 
I said so don't you understand?

Nastrander Productions

Canada Customs Sucks/ 11 2006