A chat with an anti-abortionist
by Farida Sidiq

The following is an interview with Emily Rockenfelder, vice-president of UC Students for Life.

Webmaster's note: It should be noted that this is not the actual text of the conversation. Farida Sidiq is misquoting Emily Rockenfelder by either not printing her whole response (or acknowledging the fact with ellipses "...") or by making something up completely. See Emily's response

Rockenfelder: ["]Abortion should be illegal in all cases.["]
The News Record: "Even in cases of rape, incest, or when the mother's life is at risk if she carries to term?"
ER: "Yes. I believe that human life begins at the moment of conception. Who are you to make a decision about another human beings' life? To me, there is no difference between the value of a human fetus and an 80-year-old grandma."
TNR:["] Do you think abortion should be illegal world-wide?["]
ER: ["]Yes.["]
TNR: ["]So... you think it would be appropriate for all cases of miscarriage to be investigated by the police?["]
ER: ["]Yes. [Because in my opinion]...Abortion is the same as murder.["]

Time for a blatant editorial rampage. How, I shall ask, can a twenty-year-old nubile,, [sic] declare that everyone else in the UNIVERSE should legally be bound by the same opinion?

She claims that she is one of the more liberal members of the Students for life SGA. She notes some dissension among the ranks because {shh..... don't tell anyone} most of them are CHRISTIAN! She would like to preach abstinence to everyone, and "personally" believes that sex (READ HETEROSEX) should wait until after marriage.

She calls herself a feminist!

Shoot me if I ever think like that!

Emily is a nice girl. Don't get me wrong. I like the girl as a person. But what is most infuriating, dangerous, and vile, about the whole idea of anti-abortionists, is the fact that they are "pounding their fists on reality, hoping it will break."

They believe they are in the right, and that there is a the [sic] right to be in.

Emily said I wasn't being open-minded when I declined her gracious invitation to watch a seven minute anti-abortion video while at her apartment.

ER: ["]Well.... I just don't think you are being open-minded if you won't watch the video."

Well, I just don't think you are being honest when you say that your concern is for the welfare of women.

Why don't you go tell the grieving family members who are survivors of abortion-clinic bombings exactly how their loved ones were murderers. I am sure they will have the time and energy to recieve you with the open-mindedness that you feel you deserve.

Grow up, Emily. Your "Caucasian" middle-class suburbanite, skinny attitude would not last a second outside your sheltered little universe.

You are more dangerous to me as an ally than David Duke is as an enemy.

Let's see how joyous an occasion the day will be when you or your loved ones are raped and impregnated.

Look forward to the day when your husband will create a child with your daughter.

Say "Thank god for success" when the next child is born into a Satanic cult for the express purpose of sacrifice because abortion is illegal.

You're right. What a glorious world it will be.

[Farida Sidiq]
Farida Sidiq is a junior in English literature.

This column was edited for expletives.

This article was taken from the Feb. 10, 1998 issue of The News Record, the University of Cincinnati's student newspaper.

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