(What is this strange creature?)
If you have any doubt that America is being ruined ... well, we have to wonder where you've been!
There's a simple diagnosis. Having decided that the role of government is to cater to the desires of the American public, politicians can choose whether to sell the false security and equality of outcome that appeals to the new-fangled liberal mindset, or to sell the enforced morality and corporate welfare that appeals to the new-fangled conservatives (Now, there's an oxymoron for you!) among us.
Or they can play both sides, offering something for everybody. This is fast becoming the dominant mode of politics in the country.
Is there any wonder the natives are getting restless?
Why do nearly two thirds of Americans want a third political party? Most are simply aware that government of, by, and for the Democrats and Republicans has not been working; they have little idea why. But, for an increasing number of Americans, the dual Jekyll and Hyde nature of the two major parties is becoming evident.
The Democrat Dr. Jekyll is a staunch proponent of personal freedom and civil liberties a model citizen. But the Democrat Mr. Hyde, out of misguided compassion, wants to legislate a bump-proof, failure-proof society. In fifty years his efforts have managed to bankrupt the country and make millions of Americans dependent on handouts and make- work.
The Republican Dr. Jekyll is all for economic freedom, recognizing the almost miraculous power of free markets to generate widespread prosperity. But the Republican Mr. Hyde cant abide seeing people live their lives in conflict with his own moral code. He wants government to outlaw what he considers immoral, and to indoctrinate its citizens in proper modes of thought and behavior. We haven't yet seen the full implementation of his agenda. Pray that we don't.
Both major parties share a third face: the political opportunist. That's why its often so hard to tell them apart. After all, the excuse goes, you have to win office and stay there long enough to develop some real clout before you can accomplish much of anything. And you have to be flexible; success requires compromise. If a few principles are sacrificed in order to stay in power ... well, that's just the price we pay for the opportunity to do some occasional good. Career politicians have to dole out political favors, they rationalize, in order to get their programs implemented and especially to get the money and votes needed to keep them in office. Problem is, it takes a lot of money and votes.
In all of this, no one stands four-square for freedom and personal responsibility in all walks of life. No one stands for abolishing the favors-for-votes model of government in favor of the model adopted by the Founders: government that simply protects individual rights so that we all have the freedom to grow and prosper, as far as our talents and ambition will take us.
No one, that is, but the Libertarian Party.
Maybe you're familiar with this folksy definition of insanity: doing the same things over and over, but expecting different results. Now consider: year after year, millions of Americans vote against the dictates of their consciences. They know that the choice between Democrat and Republican candidates is simply one of how fast our country will accelerate toward total ruin, a choice of which collection of freedoms will be the most seriously trampled during the next term. Yet they will hold their noses and vote for Tweedle-dum, just because Tweedle-dumber looks worse. The predictable result: Hardly anyone votes to avoid ruin and restore freedom! Lady Liberty gets mugged again.
Are all these well-meaning Americans certifiably nuts? Well, no. To be fair, they don't really expect things to get much better if they elect the lesser of two evils. They simply don't believe they have any other option. After all, no third-party candidate really has a chance....
And that's where they are wrong.
We are fighting a war for freedom and prosperity, and each election is just one battle. We need to replace our short-sighted obsession with winning the current battle with a strategy for ultimate victory. No matter how many battles we lose at first, if we can just get more and more people actually to vote their consciences, we will eventually win.
It is far more likely that you will die on the way to the polls than that your single vote will decide a major election. The only value your vote has is in communicating what you think is right. If you cast it in favor of a candidate who doesn't represent your views, it is wasted, whether or not that candidate wins.
Because you'll never get what you really want unless you act to get it. If you want freedom from slavery, stop electing masters.
What would happen if the 60+ percent of Americans asking for a third party actually got one and supported it? Three words: BRAND NEW GOVERNMENT. Because 60 percent is a majority in anybody's book.
But would enough people ever support the same third party to bring about that change? Yes, and here's why.
Only the Libertarian Party offers the fundamental change that can heal our nation, and the reasons are simple to understand and impossible to refute.
Like the Democrats and Republicans, other non-Libertarian political parties can only offer two things: (1) new schemes for controlling our lives, and (2) new schemes for stealing our wealth. All good deeds promised by government are accomplished by those two means, and in the entire history of humankind, the good has never come close to matching the costs to freedom and prosperity.
The rebirth of freedom in America requires your help. Please contact your friendly Libertarian Party county representative today.
Rarin' to go? Call the appropriate contact in your area to get involved.
You elected all those Republicans to Congress to scale back government and restore some of our eroded freedom. How are they doing? Read this disturbing report: Pearl Harbor Legislation by Claire Wolfe.
Has your patience run out for the ceaseless claims that The People have a right to everything from food, shelter, and a bump-free life, to a TV in every room? Here's what you've always wanted to read.
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