
High Quality Links

Welcome to the new links page. This page has a little different format from the old page. This will only include links to the pages I consider to be the very best. You can send me your link, but chances are that if your page is good enough, I'll find it sooner or later.

If you want to see my old links list, click here. It is much more complete, although many links are out of date.

Official Organization Web Sites

WCW Online

This was the first of the big two to enter the web sometime last year. Used to be much higher quality when the RealAudio version of the hotline report was posted, but still worth a look.

nWo Online

An offshoot of the WCW website. Around the time the nWo was at its strongest, the WCW webpage was taken over. With his bottomless pockets, however, Ted Turner purchased his second web domain and put up this page. Check it out.

ECW Online

This website has been around as long as I've had internet access, and it shows by it's high quality. Includes a very extensive picture gallery and is definitely a must-see for any ECW fan.

WWF Online

The most recent major American wrestling organization to get on-line, and it is worth the long wait. By far the best of the official sites, and it is still in the beta-testing stages. Make sure you look at this page.

Other Must-see Wrestling Sites

The Official DDP and Kimberly Diamond Mine

One of my favorite sites to visit. This is the home of many animated gifs of various Diamond Cutters that you've probably seen posted on sites all over the web. There will soon be a chat room that DDP and Kim will visit often, so be sure to check it out.

Bret Hart's Weekly Column

My favorite WWF Wrestler has a weekly column for the Calgary Sun and he always tells it like it is. Whether he's attacking Austin or Michaels or if he's explaining to the American fans how he feels, his column is always entertaining.


This site has probably the best rumor mill on the web today. There are also many other features, the latest being a weekly article by either Marc Mero or his wife Sable. Probably the best all-around wrestling site on the web.

MiCasa Pro-Wrestling Page

Although currently on hiatus until August or September, this site is still worth repeated visits. This site was the originator of the daily news and rumors report. It has paved the way for many sites, including Scoops and RealNews.

DInferno Wrestling Page

This link is on this page just because of its past performance. Like Phantom's page, this site isn't as good as it used to be, but is still a very good page and should be considered one of the greatest wrestling sites ever.

The Professional Wrestling On-Line Museum

The best wrestling page you can find for anything you want to know about wrestling. Also has the largest set of wrestling links anywhere that I have seen. This is another must see for every fan.

Solie's Wrestling Newsletter

This newsletter, written by Earl Oliver, is probably the best web-based wrestling newsletter on the internet now that Bagpipe is only available by email. This is just a part of the extensive collection compiled for Solie's Vintage Wrestling site.

The News From Dayton

Although the author of this site is obviously rather WWF biased, he still provides a great outlook on the happenings in the wrestling world. This site has been around as long as any site on this list and is one of the first sites I check each day.

RealNews Wrestling Sheet

One of the newest sites on this list, RealNews has quickly made a name for itself as one of the greatest wrestling sites on the internet. It is updated daily with news and an article early in the morning, before most of us are even out of bed. Be sure to check it every day.

Randy's Pro-Wrestling Page

This page is the home of the best Four Horsemen tribute on the internet. Although hardly ever updated, this remains one of the very best wrestling sites on the internet.

DDT Digest

One of the few fan sites on the internet that is obviously biased towards the WCW. Has a unique-to-the-web feel to it and is worth visiting over and over again. Be sure to check it out.

Falcon's Unofficial WWF Pages

The best WWF page anywhere on the internet by far. This page is usually updated several times daily, so keep checking it out.

4-1-1 Wrestling Page

This site has one of the best news reports on the internet, often before anyone else even has time to report it. You can always cound on knowing what matches to expect on Raw and Nitro from 4-1-1 so you know what show to watch.

Stunner's Wrestling News

Being the youngest site on my list, I feel that this site has quickly made a name for itself. Also is the home for an excellent wrestling newsletter, The Press Slam Journal. A great way to spend your time if looking for a good site.

Stork and Unibomb's Wrestling Page

The best page for wrestling downloads anywhere on the internet. A lot of the movies were created by the same guy who does all my graphics, so check it out.

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