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Research Triangle Transplants

Standings & Reports
League Rules
2000 Rules Votes
Message Board
Player Rater
MLB Transactions
Rotoworld MLB Rosters

USA Today BB Weekly
Rotisserie Corner

1999 Standings
1999 Rosters
Final reports now available. Preferred method is online with paypal.com (see below), or make other arrangements to pay me. Thanks. Final standings are official one week after posting, after which time no corrections will be made, so report any errors ASAP! Thanks for a fun season! Do pass along any feedback you have about rules or web pages. I don't forsee any major changes for next year, I think we're pretty set now with eligibility and other things... I know one team, the Newtons, will be needing a new owner. If you can help with that, or won't be returning yourself, let me know. Good luck in your winter fantasy sports; hope to see you back again next year!!!

  • Prize fund information: $980 Prize Fund Brewsers -- $441 prize (-53 owed) == $388 net Gates -- $245 prize (-57 owed) == $188 net Mashers -- $147 prize (-41 owed) == $106 net Maulers -- $98 prize (-45 owed - 50 owed Wholly Moses) == $3 net Chiefs -- $49 prize (-31 owed) == $18 net
  • Remaining negative balances (must be paid ASAP): Connection $20

The player eligibility change is official for the rest of this season. Check your e-mail or the message board.

You can pay your transaction fees using paypal.com, the free online service. If you sign up for paypal.com using this link, we will both get a $5 bonus in our accounts, you for joining, me for referring you. Once you're in, send your payment to halterman @ zdnetmail.com.

Sun. Oct 1
   Last day of the regular season
Mon. Oct 2
   Extra regular season games if needed
Wed. Oct 4
   Week 27 ends; final standings available
Wed. Oct 11
   Final stats become official 1 week after published
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Research Triangle Transplants League last edited

and now a word from our sponsors: