- Brewsers win by 6 points to take their second league title!
- Mashers do a flip-flop with the Chiefs to take 3rd place, on the strength of a good pitching week 3-4-2.40-0.870-48.
- Newtons settle into last place with an awful 0-0-8.03-1.662-25 pitching week.
- These final stats are official one week after posting.
- Prize fund information: $980 Prize Fund
Brewsers -- $441 prize (-53 owed) == $388 net
Gates -- $245 prize (-57 owed) == $188 net
Mashers -- $147 prize (-41 owed) == $106 net
Maulers -- $98 prize (-45 owed) == $53 net
Chiefs -- $49 prize (-31 owed) == $18 net
- Remaining negative balances:
Krushers $41, W-Moses $50, Connection $20,
Boys $28, Duckbills $29
Please pay the balances promptly so that the winners can be paid.
I prefer PayPal (see home page for info), or you can arrange to drop
me cash or check.
- Thanks for a fun season! Do pass along any feedback you have about rules or web pages. I don't forsee any major changes for next year,
I think we're pretty set now with eligibility and other things...
- I know one team, the Newtons, will be needing a new owner. If you can help with that, or won't be returning yourself, let me know.
League Boxscore - Week 27
Category Breakdown
MLB Rosters
Free Agents: Hitters : Pitchers
Current Transactions
League Rules