update: october 12, 2004

linda's surprise birfday party
watching the
erica giving
me a dirty

linda with her
aww again
should have put
the cake on
linda's stomach

no more dr's office
nice pose

my birfday
jackie is too close
to my cake
no really i'm 22
a little poker on my birfday

chubs wants to drive
the X5
i'm in

the beach for smackie's b-day
laurie & smackie
jose is on a new diet
blocking the
the gang
i'm helping
laurie out
sexy beast
that's as far
as i can
suck it in
jr & smackie
something bit
me in the water
jose, jr, and laurie

mountain bike adventure

so i was out mountain biking with my brother and rudy. so we're going down this hill. they're a little ahead of me...you know so i can make sure they don't hurt themselves....so yeah they get to the bottom of this hill when all of a sudden they are attacked by some crazy ass jack rabbits. they were cornered. so of course i had to go help them. i came riding down the hill all bad ass not falling one time. and i scared the jack rabbits away with my awesome display of riding. so anyway, we continued on after i made sure they were ok. when all of a sudden a mountain lion comes and jumps at me from a bush and i fall off my bike wrestling with the mountain lion as we role down the hill....luckily i had my trusty helmet on...safety first kids....so anyways i fought the mountain lion for hours until finally it was too tired to fight me from the beating i gave it. this whole time rony and rudy and had been watching and screaming like little girls and didn't notice the jack rabbits sneaking up behind us. they attacked me and scratched up my back pretty good but in the end i won.

now you may hear this story told a little differently by other people...some crap about me falling off my bike and rolling down a hill of large/sharp rocks and getting all cut up like that. but honestly who are you going to believe?? i mean i couldn't make this stuff up if i tried....

and here is my proof:

rony & i
getting ready
showing off my
bad ass
riding skills
me getting
checking my
jack rabbit
rony giving
me water after
my fight
i still had to
ride back to
the car
after i went
to the "ER"

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