My portfolio includes agricultural sites, artist sites and personal sites for friends and family. I aim for a tasteful design style and create web pages which load quickly and aren't weighed down with the latest plugins and gimmicks. The agricultural sites I have done under contract to Cowboy Oriented Web Sites.


The following is a list of my work to date:

EXL Charolais

Hoffman AI Breeders

Chandler Herefords Inc.

Stewart Cattle Co. & Tree Farm

Koran Stock Farm

3-D-L Herefords

CL Ranches

BarN Ranch

Bar 15 Simmental and Stevick Angus Ranch

AltaExports - genetic exporting

Little Red Deer Hereford Farm

Central Alberta Hereford Club

The Bronze Art of Steve Hoar

The Bronze Art of Rich Roenisch

Personal Sites include:

Cougar Kittens

Highwood Rufous Hummingbirds

Calgary Hunt Club photos

Grey Cup 2000!

Check out my pictures at Photo Point - a great online photo album

Contact me at