
Executive  Committee                                        

TFI Constitution


TFI Rules & Regulation


Club Constitution

Conditions for Club

Finance Regulations

Funds Collection and Sharing

Organisational chart

Rules of Procedure

5 year Action Plan

National Referees & Belt Grade test

National Events

International Events

News Letters

TFI Registered Blackbelts

Championship Results

Seminars / DAN tests

Junior Scholarship Scheme

Complaints / Suggestions

  1. Circular No.1/TFI/99  Dated 16th August,1999

  2. Circular No.2/TFI/99  Dated 19th August,1999

  3. Circular No.3/TFI/99  Dated 7th October,1999

  4. Circular No.4/TFI/2000 Dated: 7th June, 2000

Circular No.1/TFI/99                                                Dated 16th August,1999


            This is to clarify to all the State Associations that “Taekwondo Academy of India” is not an affiliated Academy of World Taekwondo Federation, Asian Taekwondo Union and Indian Olympic Association as claimed by Mr.Jimmy R Jagtiani.  This is mentioned in the letterheads of this Academy.

             It is further clarified that World Taekwondo Federation, Asian Taekwondo Union and Indian Olympic Association affiliate only the National Federations and not private clubs like Taekwondo Academy of India.  World Taekwondo Federation and Asian Taekwondo Union only affiliate the National Federations of Taekwondo of Member countries, which are affiliated to their respective National Olympic Committees.  For India, National Olympic Committee is IOA i.e.,Indian Olympic Association.


            This matter was brought to the notice of Indian Olympic Association in the year 1998 that Mr.Jimmy R.Jagtiani is misusing the name of IOA on his personal Academy letterheads, by the name Taekwondo Academy of India. 


 The Secretary General,Indian Olympic Association had advised the former Secretary General of TFI, Smt.Komal Jagtiani to advise her husband not to misguide the sports persons of Taekwondo by writing that Taekwondo Academy of India is affiliated to Indian Olympic Association.  A copy of the same is enclosed for your kind perusal.


            Please inform all the students/instructors/Black Belt holders/Members of State Associations to be careful and not to fall in trap of such a mis quoted affiliations being cited by Mr.Jimmy R Jagtiani or anybody else.





Circular No.2/TFI/99                                                                 Dated 19th August,1999


Subject:- Planning for preparing medals winning INDIAN team of  Taekwondo for the next Asian Games at PUSAN(KOREA) in the year 2002.


            The new body of  Office Bearers of TFI has accepted the challenge for winning medals in the next Asian Games at Pusan(Korea) in the year 2002.


            It  was  a  matter  of  shame  that  not  even a single athlete of Taekwondo participated in

13th Asian Games at Bangkok, because we never had any athlete of International level.  Reasons are known to everyone.  We do not want to do fault finding.  We have to work.  Our results and performance should speak.


            To achieve our goal, we have decided to work on the multi-pronged strategy by the name “TEEM SPIRIT”


a)                 Transparency in the working of TFI

b)                 Exposure to athletes/instructors/Referees on International level

c)                  Expand the  available army of active Black Belt athletes

d)                 Merit   to be sole criteria for selection

e)                 Strengthen member units of TFI

f)                    Participation of Indian Team regularly in International Competitions/Meetings under the auspices of WTF

g)                 Increase National Competitions for Black-Belt athletes in all age groups

h)                  Regulate activities & funds to the best advantage of athletes and discipline

i)                    Improve Coaching / Refereeing standards

j)                    Target the Junior male/female athletes as future medallists for India.



a)               Transparency  is the key to success of any Federation.  It is the duty of the Office Bearers to keep all the Member Units, Referees, Coaches, Instructors and athletes informed of all the activities of the Federation.  A Federation is not the personal property  of an individual or a family.  It is a collective group of all Member Units i.e., State Associations and Central Units affiliated with Federation.  Only those who are elected and deputed have a right to vote on any issue including election of Office Bearers for a term of 4 years.  The Member Units constitute the General Assembly, which is the Supreme Body for controlling any Federation. Then comes the Executive Committee followed by individual Office Bearers. 


To ensure transparency, the General Assembly has amended the constitution which has been circulated to all Member Units.  For regulation of activities, the Rules and Regulations of TFI have been put in Black & White.  The duly approved rules by General Assembly have been circulated to all.  These rules will regulate our activities.  No one can frame or bypass these Rules, which are applicable on all Member Units/Coaches/athletes/Office Bearers and other associated with TFI in any manner.


Another step towards Transparency is the beginning of “TFI News Letter”.  This will keep everyone informed about our activities, achievements and future plans.


b)                 Exposure for our athletes/coaches/Referees on International level is an important gradient to develop Taekwondo of International standards.  This will not only develop confidence, but also expose them to latest developments & techniques in this discipline.


c)                  Expanding  the available group of athletes especially Black-Belt holders is envisaged keeping in view our participation in International events.  All International events are conducted in Black-Belt category.  We have to concentrate on this aspect.


d)          Merit will be the sole criteria to select our teams/officials.  The policy of  “Pick `N’ Choose” will be outrightly rejected.  Those who  Excel at the National Level in the championships would be included in the National Teams.  The Next Best would be kept in reserve.  If these two principles do not apply, the third option of `OPEN SELECTION’ would be followed.


The above process should not leave any doubt in the minds of athletes/officials.  Federation will  not field those athletes who are not upto expected level and likely to put up a dismal performance in International events.


e)                  Strengthening of Member Units of TFI is the basic need of the hour.  The policy of “Divide & Rule” will not be practised.  The Federation will not interfere in the day to day functioning of State Associations.  Selection of athletes will be the responsibility of State Associations.  The previous practice that the person from Lucknow(The former Technical Director) used to select teams is scrapped.  Federation will strive to bring all existing parallel bodies under one umbrella to generate a strong competition.  Black Sheep, who indulge in misguiding athletes and extort money from them will not be tolerated under any circumstances.  Those, who try to surpass the Rules & Regulations for their personal benefits will be exposed and kept away.



f)                       Participation of Indian Team in International events will be ensured to keep Indian Flag flying.  It will not be a mere participation, but a forceful one, which should be recognised by other participating nations.


Similarly, Indian participation in WTF/ATU meetings will be ensured.  This will improve our position in  International scenario.


g)                    Increase in the number of Black-Belt competitions will be ensured from next year.  We plan to have 4 competitions at National level for Black-Belt athletes in the following categories.


a)     Junior Black Belt  Boys/Girls and Black-Belt Females Championship

b)     Male Championship

c)      Federation Cup

d)     Prize Money Championship


Colour-belt championship will be only for  Sub-Juniors & Juniors.


The main objective is that all World Championships under the auspices of WTF are held for Black-Belts only and we do not have sufficient athletes in these categories.


h)                     Regulate the activities and funds of the Federation to the best advantage of athletes and promotion of Taekwondo in India is one of the important objectives of the Federation. It was noticed that a number of Coaches/ Instructors/ officials collect money in the name of TFI and no receipt is given to the athlete which results in a poor image of the Federation in the view of the concerned athlete.  To prevent such instances it was decided that whenever any money is collected in the name of TFI, the person giving money should insist on getting a receipt from TFI, from the concerned official. If the receipt is not given the matter should be immediately brought to the notice of President, TFI. Federation is a non-profit making body and the funds so raised are meant only to promote Taekwondo in India and spend money on related activities only.


i)                          Improvement of Coaching and Refereeing Standards in India is an important aspect which was neglected all the time by the Ex office bearers so as to prevent anyone becoming a challenge to their authority. Promotion of sports is an activity , which is, above self-interests. Federation will support all those coaches who want to enhance their skills.  Their visit to Korea in this regard will be supported by the Federation. Similarly, regular refresher camps for referees would be held to apprise them with all the latest rules and regulations of TFI. Those referees who have talent to become International Referees, will be encouraged to appear in any of the examinations conducted by WTF.   At national level, special training courses and camps for the referees will be held very soon. It will be immediately after the forthcoming SAF Games at Kathmandu.


(j)          Targeting the junior male and female athletes as future medalists for India will be an important  aspect for raising our medal tally  in international competitions.  It is seen that more emphasis is laid on very senior athletes who are totally worn-out and any amount of input does not yield results.  The targeted age groups for boys will be15 to 17 years and girls 14 to 16 years.  It is proposed to give scholarships to Gold and Silver medal winners in this age group for their performance in the National Championship conducted by TFI. The most promising athletes in this group would be given advance training at Korea, so that by the time they are eligible to participate in the male/female competitions, their performance is of international level and recognised in the international competitions conducted under the auspices of WTF.    


            The multi-pronged strategy namely “TEEM SPIRIT” has been planned, keeping in view the forthcoming Asian Games in the year 2002. If we are able to succeed in securing  considerable medals in the Asian Games, the chances of Indian Team participating in the discipline of Taekwondo in the Summer Olympics to be held in the year 2004 would be very bright.  


For the effective implementation of the above “TEEM SPIRIT”,  I would need the whole hearted support from all the affiliated Member Units, senior athletes of Taekwondo, Coaches, Referees and above all the parents of young athletes, who are going to be the bright stars of Taekwondo Discipline in the years to come. 


                                             With best wishes ,


Yours sincerely,    




Circulation to :


i)          All Presidents and Secretaries of State Associations,

ii)                  Secretary General, Indian Olympic Association,

iii)                Joint Secretary Sports, DYAS.




Circular No.3/TFI/99                                                                 Dated 7th October,1999


Subject:- Election of office bearers by State Associations – TFI observer/State Olympic Association observer – Reg.


            This Federation has time and again requested the State Associations to hold free and fair elections of their office bearers within the stipulated period.  We are receiving lot of complaints regarding unfair practices/bogus representatives/surreptitious elections of office bearers.  This practice has to be stopped at all costs. The State Taekwondo Association has to build a confidence amongst their affiliated district unit members.  Merely sticking to the posts in any Association is harmful to promotion of Taekwondo as well as the athletes who are the real wealth of any Association.  It is our bounden duty to ensure transparency in our functioning and set an example for others. 


To ensure free and fair elections, as well as, participation of genuine voting members of the affiliated State Association, the presence of TFI observer as well as that of State Olympic Association (in case, the association is affiliated with State Olympic Association) must be ensured.


            All the units are directed to ensure the compliance of this circular order, failing which the election will be treated as null and void.   This Federation will not recognise any office bearers elected in contravention of this circular.


It is further clarified that this Federation must receive 15 days prior notice through registered letter/speed post/courier/fax as a proof of the scheduled meeting.  In case, the notice is received late by this Federation, the date will be changed at the discretion of this Federation. 


The observer, so deputed by this Federation, will submit his report about the free and fair election of the new office bearers of the State Association to Federation by fastest possible means.  The travel expenses of TFI observer would be borne by this Federation, whereas, the arrangements for boarding and lodging would be made by the State Association.


The member unit should send a copy of the latest approved constitution, list of affiliated member units with their office bearers to this Federation along with the meeting notice to TFI.  Before sending its observer, TFI will ensure that all dues from the concerned member unit have been fully paid up and nothing is pending.


            In case, the member unit fails to conduct its election within stipulated period of 4 years and does not seek approval of TFI for extension of period, the existing executive committee of the member unit will be deemed dissolved and TFI will make ad-hoc arrangements to protect the interests of the Taekwondo athletes and the discipline as a whole and take steps to get the new body of office bearers elected through the affiliated member units of the State Association.   






Circular No.4/TFI/2000                                                                   Dated: 7th June, 2000


Sub:  Non-receipt of WTF Blackbelt / Referee course Certificates on account of tests conducted by Sh. Jimmy Jagtiani in the name of Taekwondo Academy of India  - instructions regarding –


            You are all aware that a number of athletes and instructors all over the country are reported to have been cheated by   Sh. Jimmy R. Jagtiani in the name of Black Belt  Referee course Certificates over the past many years.   We are getting lots of complaints in this regard.


            The activity of  Jimmy R. Jagtiani, Managing Director of Taekwondo Academy of India is well known to everyone. He has collected this money under the banner of Taekwondo Academy of India.  On Taekwondo Academy of India letter heads, he has written affiliated to World Taekwondo Federation,  Asian Taekwondo Union and Indian Olympic Association. I have informed everyone by my Circular No. 1 that no Academy can be affiliated to these international  Federations. The claims of Jimmy Jagtiani are totally false.  On account of these misleading facts, he has cheated the students and referees over the years. The best course available for the athletes/officials of Federations is to file a criminal case of cheating with the police or with a Criminal Court of law for getting relief against this injustice.


            This matter has been discussed a number of times as to how injustice done to the athletes and referees can be redressed.  As a one time measure & with a view to mitigate their sufferings, it is decided that all the athletes and officials who have undergone tests under Jimmy Jagtiani would be eligible for consideration to the appropriate grade after they re-submit their application alongwith the result sheet and the money applicable for this purpose as per rules and regulations of Teakwondo Federation of India in force as on date.  The papers, complete in all respects, including the fees etc. be submitted to Secretary General, TFI, who will further submit their applications to World Taekwondo Federation for further necessary action.


            I would also like to point out that the seniority lost by the athletes during this period cannot be restored by any means.  I would also like to mention that it is quite possible in some of the cases the certificates might have been issued but deliberately withheld by some black sheep.  In that case, this Federation will consider the case for next promotion as eligible under the rules for which the athletes and referees will have to contact Secretary General for necessary action.  This amnesty is eligible to all the athletes and referees till 31st December 2000.  No application will be entertained in this regard after the above mentioned date.


            You are all requested to bring this to the notice of all referees and athletes for immediate action at their level.  Athletes and Referees are also allowed to file their cases directly with Sh. M.S. Chandrashekar, Secretary General, Teakwondo Federation of India, in case, they have any administrative problems with their local State bodies.  The Certificates will, however, be issued to athletes/referees through the State Federation after the fees for affiliation with the State Federation is given to them.  For any further clarification, athletes/referees are free to write to me in this regard. 


            With best wishes and hoping for a strong Taekwondo Movement in India.


Yours truly,                 







Copy to :

            All Presidents and General Secretaries of State Associations

 Members of Executive Committee


Webmaster: webmaster@tfiindia.com

Last modified: April 11, 2001