Bicycling Events

Here are upcoming bicycling events, some competitive but most recreational.

By the way, for weekly rides in the space coast area, check out the Weekly Rider which has a calendar in the area from Titusville to Melbourne.

May. 2. Bushnell at the Dade Battlefield; Dade Battlefield Ride. 31/45/62 mile rides. Call 352-394-1320 or check the web site for info.

Jun. 12. Warrenton, Virginia at the Hojo Inn; 600K Brevet. Want to really test your distance ability? This is the one. 2/3 the climbing of Boston-Montreal-Boston in 1/2 the distance. Call for info 410-721-2465 or send e-mail.

Stay tuned to this location; I've just started to compile cycling-only info.

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