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This page last updated August 29, 1997!




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  1. People below the age of twelve should begin with a plastic ball drilled conventional. People above the age of twelve should begin with a urethane ball drilled relaxed fingertip.
  2. A nice bowling ball bag.
  3. Shoe brush
  4. Towel
  5. Purchasing your own shoes will depend on your age and how fast your feet will grow. If you are an adult then buying your own shoes is highly recommended.

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How To's:

  1. The first thing you need to do is find a mark, on the lane, that your bowling ball will roll over each time you throw it and practice being consistent with hitting your mark. Consistency is very important in bowling. A typical beginners mark is the 2nd arrow from the right gutter for right handers and the 1st arrow from the left gutter for left handers.
  2. Now you need to learn where to stand on the approach. Beginners will normally stand on the 2nd arrow on the right on the approach for right handers and the 2nd arrow from the left on the approach for left handers.
  3. Have your pro-shop person show you the proper way to hold your ball after you have your ball drilled.
  4. Once you have fairly good consistency with hitting your mark you will need to begin to practice your spares. Spare practice is a must for any bowler - beginner to advanced.
  5. Tips for bowling the following pins for spares:
    1. 3-pin: Move three boards to the left from where you originally stand, for your strike ball, on the approach.
    2. 2-pin: Move three boards to the right from where you originally stand, for your strike ball, on the approach.
    3. 4-pin: Move four boards to the right from where you originally stand, for your strike ball, on the approach.
    4.  6-pin: Move four boards to the left from where you originally stand, for your strike ball, on the apporoach.
    5. 7-pin: Move five boards right from where you originally stand, for your strike ball, on the approach.
    6. 10-pin: Move five boards left from where you originally stand, for your strike ball, on the approach.

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Books & Video's:

  1. "Bowl to Win" video by Earl Anthony

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Bowling Balls:

  1. Dry Lanes: I recommend any pearlized urethane ball such as the Blue or Red Shadow for beginners and a C/Beast by Columbia and have it polished up.
  2. Oily Lanes: I recommend any sanded urethane ball such as the Black Shadow by Columbia for the beginner and an oil repellant ball such as the Combat Zone by Brunswick.
  3. Medium Lanes: I recommend a urethane ball with either a polished or sanded surface such as a SportsTec for the beginner and a good ball that does not over react on normal conditions would be the Thunder by Storm.
  4. Scorched Lanes require a hard polyester ball such as the Blue Dot by Columbia.

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The Young American Bowling Alliance is a non-profit youth organization focused on providing fun for youth bowlers and volunteers.

Who can join Y.A.B.A. programs? All youth who haven't reached their 22nd birthday by Aug. 1st of the year you wish to join Y.A.B.A. Y.A.B.A. waives their upper age limit for mentally challenged adults.

Youth become Y.A.B.A. members when they sign up for Y.A.B.A. leagues and pay their membership dues. Y.A.B.A. membership covers a one-year period, beginning Aug. 1 and ending July 31.

When youth join Y.A.B.A., they also join their local, state or provincial Y.A.B.A. association. Y.A.B.A. and these associations provide members and volunteers with programs and services that make youth bowling enjoyable and rewarding. All programs and services encourage healthy competition; and members physical fitness, good sportsmanship and positive citizenship.

Want to learn more about Y.A.B.A. just click here to go their web site:

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I welcome you to send me information about any Y.A.B.A. tourney in your area. Please submit the following information:

Tourney Name:
Bowling Center:
Cost of Tourney:
Tourney Date: (Month/Day/Year)
Contact Phone Number: Please remember to enter the area code
Bowling Center Address: Enter complete address and any other important info. here!

If form does not respond please submit all the above tournament information to me, Mike, at the following address:

I will list the tournament information in this spot as soon as possible.

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