We are a Brownie Troop in Leesburg, Virginia. Eight of us are 1st year Brownies and 6 of us are 3rd year Brownies. We're having a lot of fun already this year. We had a cookout/campout in October and some of us planted trees with two other troops from our area... part of a large service project with girls from all over our Association (2,000 trees were planted on November 6th!) We're also going to be doing the "Sing for Their Supper" service project - singing holiday songs door-to-door to collect food for the Holiday Coalition here in town. We'll be having a Mom/Daughter Cookie Exchange in December to get us ready for the cookie sale beginning in January! We're busy!

Play our favorite song <bgsound src="browniesmile.mid">

Looky here.... a new troop member? Say hi to Brownie Mouse! We've just adopted her! Visit her room

Take A Look At The Try-it's we've earned

Look Who's Having A Birthday!

Sign Our Guestbook
Look At Our Guestbook

Our Busy Schedule

Our Service Projects

The Song We Sang On Our Brownie Encampment in April 1999!

Our Service Unit 70-2 Website


Girl Scouts Council of the Nation's Capital - Our Council!


Cool Spring Elementary School PTA - Our School's PTA

TRCGS Scouting Links: A comprehensive listing of over 625 GS/GG links

Try-it's We've Earned Our Birthday's
Our Busy Schedule Our Service Projects Encampment 99 Song
Sign Our Guestbook View Our Guestbook
Mouse House

Graphmaster Safesurf