ell met traveller, and welcome to the Forgotten Realms! My name is Remy, I'm the Dungeon Master, and I've put together this "HELP" page to show you how our site is laid out so you can find your way around.

We start with the index page (you just came from there, click here to get back), which has three main categories:

The Prologue

The Scribe


These pages are crosslinked, meaning that each of these three pages (prologue, scribe, or cartography) is linked to the other two, and all other pages are also linked to these three main pages.

New And finally, the "What's New?" section, where I list the most recent changes to the site. If you have any ideas for new things, e-mail me at Fate2029@hotmail.com.

Oh, by the way, you can always click on the dragon picture

at the bottom of each page to bring you back to this help page.

And this button is for playing midi files. Click here to start and stop the music. You have to have javascript enabled for the midi controls to work

The Prologue is from Shakespeare's Henry V. A quick interpretation is, "There is so much I want to show you, but I have so little space to use to show it. Use your imagination to fill in the gaps." I thought it was very fitting.

The Prologue page also has links to the Guestbook. Please take a minute to sign in and see who else has stopped by.

The Scribe is the most frequently edited section. This is where all the writings are kept.

The Scribe is broken down into subsections; The Archives and the Library.

The Archives hold all installments of the stories, as well as character information. The Library holds all historical documents, records, information on the towns and people, other reference materials, and anything else that was ever recorded on parchpaper. The Trading Post, hints and tips for AD&D type computer games, and the Gamers List are all kept here. If you can't find something here, write to me and I'll add it.

Cartography is the maps section. Each Forgotton Realms kingdom has a map, and all the maps are crosslinked. The kingdom maps are also linked to maps of the towns in that kingdom.

Cartography also holds the Gate, which is my links list, and the Guestbook. Remember to sign the guestbook before leaving. And as always, if you need more information, a more detailed map, or if you want me to upload a new map, just let me know.

New is the What's new? section. Anything recently added will be listed here, along with the date that it was added.

I'm also a proud member of the HTML Writer's Guild"
Editor's Note: This website was designed and therefore best viewed with Netscape 4.03 at a resolution of 800x600, with 32-bit true color.

I hope this helps. If anyone has any ideas, tips, complaints, compliments, etc., I'd love to hear from you. Mail Me

|Main| |Prologue| |Scribe| |Maps|

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