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my humpback whaleHumpback Whales

The Humpback whale is one of the most energetic of all whales. They are known for their spectacular breaching, flipper-slapping and lobtailing. Humpback Whales can be identified by the markings and shape of their tails. These indentifying markings are as individual as our fingerprints. No two Humpback whales are exactly alike. Humpback Whales weigh approximately 1 ton (2000 pounds) for every foot of length. Adult males reach a length of 40 feet and weigh in at 40 tons.

During breeding season the Humpback males are known for singing the longest and most complex songs of any whale. Humpbacks are very courious and will come very close to boats.

Humpback whales can be found all over the world. They are strongly migratory, and they migrate from polar feeding grounds to warm temperate to tropical breeding grounds.

Humpbacks are an Endangered Species. There are only about 10,000 humpback whales in the world. The largest populations of Humpback whales are in the western north Atlantic Ocean.

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