1. You may not just take the images of my cats off my site with out asking. That is why you are adopting a cat.. 2. You must link back to my cattery. The URL to use is: http://geocities.datacellar.net/mnm_kat/cattery/index.html 3. You must have a website. I don't mind if its not completely 'child safe', my cats can handle, nudity, profanity, whatever. I sort of doubt people adopting cats have those sort of sites in the first place though. 4. You must be able to download attachments from emails and upload images to your site. If you don't know how, don't bother adopting. 5. Don't alter the apearence of the cat that I give you unless you are changing the background. When I made these cats I didn't bother to make the backgrounds transparent. 6. You may not breed my cats unless you specify somewhere in your adoption request that you intend to breed them. 7. You are welcome to change the name of the image file. 8. Enjoy my cat for being the catty little image that it is.