To visit the voting results, click here.
To visit the initial ruleset, click here.
To visit the current ruleset, click here.
To visit the players list, click here.
To visit the inactive proposals list, click here.
To visit the active proposals list, click here.
To visit the cities list, click here.
To visit the Civilization Advances list, click here.
To visit the NomiCam2 main page, click here.

Immutable Rules

All players must always abide by all the rules then in effect, in the form in which they are then in effect. The rules in the Initial Set are in effect at the beginning of the first game. The Initial Set consists of rules 101-116 (immutable) and 201-219 (mutable).


Initially rules in the 100s are immutable and rules in the 200s are mutable. Rules subsequently enacted or transmuted (that is, changed from immutable to mutable or vice versa) may be immutable or mutable regardless of their numbers, and rules in the Initial Set may be transmuted regardless of their numbers.


At any time, each player shall be either a Voter or the Speaker; no player may simultaneously be a Voter and a Speaker. At any time there shall be exactly one Speaker. The term "player" in the rules shall specifically include both the Voters and the Speaker.


The Speaker for the first game shall be Jack Rudd.


A rule change is any of the following:
i) the enactment, repeal, or amendment of a mutable rule;
ii) the transmutation of an immutable rule into a mutable rule or vice versa.

(Note: This definition implies that, at least initially, all new rules are mutable; immutable rules, as long as they are immutable, may not be amended or repealed; mutable rules, as long as they are mutable, may be amended or repealed; any rule of any status may be transmuted; no rule is absolutely immune to change.)


All rule changes proposed in the proper way shall be voted on. They will be adopted if and only if they receive the required number of votes and Quorum is achieved.


Any proposed rule change must be communicated to all players before it is voted on. If adopted, it must guide play in the form in which it was voted on.


No rule change may take effect earlier than the moment of the completion of the vote that adopted it, even if its wording explicitly states otherwise. No rule change may have retroactive application.


The Speaker shall give each proposed rule change a number for reference. The numbers shall begin with 301, and each rule change proposed in the proper way shall receive the next successive integer, whether or not the proposal is adopted. If a rule is repealed and re-enacted, it receives the number of the proposal to re-enact it. If a rule is amended or transmuted, it keeps its original number.


Rule changes that transmute immutable rules into mutable rules may be adopted if and only if the vote is unanimous among votes legally cast. Transmutation shall not be implied, but must be stated explicitly in a proposal to take effect.


In a conflict between a mutable and an immutable rule, the immutable rule takes precedence and the mutable rule shall be entirely void. For the purposes of this rule a proposal to transmute an immutable rule does not "conflict" with that immutable rule.


The state of affairs that constitutes winning may not be altered from achieving n points to any other state of affairs. The magnitude of n and the means of earning points may be changed, and rules that establish a winner when play cannot continue may be enacted and (while they are mutable) be amended or repealed.


A player always has the option to forfeit the game rather than continue to play or incur a game penalty. No penalty worse than losing, in the judgment of the player to incur it, may be imposed.


There must always be at least one mutable rule. The adoption of rule changes must never become completely impermissible.


Rule changes that affect rules needed to allow or apply rule changes are as permissible as other rule changes. Even rule changes that amend or repeal their own authority are permissible. No rule change or type of move is impermissible solely on account of the self-reference or self-application of a rule.


Whatever is not prohibited or regulated by a rule is permitted and unregulated, with the sole exception of changing the rules, which is permitted only when a rule or set of rules explicitly or implicitly permits it.

Rule 345
Submitted by Jon Monroe

WHEREAS Nomicam 2 is played in cyberspace, which does not properly fall under the jurisdiction of any currently existing sovereign entity,

WHEREAS Nomicam 2, in accordance with rule 331 spans many countries of the world, and cannot properly be said to belong to any of them,

WHEREAS Nomicam 2 has, in the form of its ruleset, a body of Constitutional Law of superior virtue to any other in existence,

NOUS the SPEAKER, VOTERS and COUNTRIES of Nomicam 2 hereby declare

1) THAT Nomicam 2 is a sovereign nomic, equal in dignity and rights with all sovereign entities;

2) THAT Nomicam 2 has all the rights, priveliges, powers and immunities pertaining to a sovereign entity;

3) THAT the aforementioned powers include, but are not limited to, the making of peace, war and treaties of alliance, the minting of money to be legal tender throughout Nomicam 2, and the deciding of judicial causes without appeal to any outside body whatsoever;

4) THAT the Speaker be considered the Head of State of Nomicam 2

This poposal complies with rool 301.

Rule 360
Submitted by Jon Monroe
"Preservation of Nomic entities"

Nomic Entities may not be created, modified, transferred between players, or otherwise buggered about with except where expressly authorised by the rules.

Each type of Nomic entity shall have a Recorder, who shall be appointed in accordance with the rules. The Recorder shall maintain details of all instances of that Nomic entity. Players wishing to change the properties of any Nomic entity shall send an e-mail to the Recorder, quoting the rule number that permits the change. If changes in a Nomic entity are required by the rules or requested by a player in accordance with the rules, the Recorder shall edit eir record. The record should be sent to the Speaker as soon as possible after each change and should be placed on the Nomicam 2 web pages. If there is no Recorder then the Speaker shall perform the duties of the Recorder.

If a CFJ stating that a Recorder has been negligent in eir duties is judged TRUE, then they lose all their points and are removed from their position.

Points, rules, and proposals are Nomic entities. The Speaker is Recorder for these entities. Nothing else is a Nomic entity. This rule defers to rules which say what is or is not a Nomic entity.


Mutable Rules

Quorum for a proposed rule change is defined to be 20% of Voters at the beginning of the prescribed voting period for that proposal.


All players begin with 0 points. Points may not be gained, lost, or traded except as explicitly stated in the rules.


The winner is the first Voter to achieve 200 (positive) points. If more than one Voter achieves this condition simultaneously, all such Voters win. When a game ends in this manner:

i) if there is only one winner, then if e desires, that Voter becomes the Speaker, and the old Speaker becomes a Voter; if the winner does not wish to become Speaker, the old Speaker remains Speaker for the new game.
ii) if there is more than one winner, the Speaker randomly selects one of the winners, who has the option of now becoming the new Speaker. If e declines, all other winners are given the option of becoming Speaker, and whoever contacts the Speaker first shall become the new Speaker. If a new Speaker is chosen in either of these ways, the old Speaker becomes a Voter. If none of the winners want to become Speaker, the old speaker remains Speaker for the new game.

iii) all players' scores are reset to 0;

iv) a new game is begun, in which all rules and proposed rule changes retain the status they had at the end of the old game, with the exception of the number of points required to win, which is doubled.


A proposal shall be made by submitting it to the Speaker. Only Players may make proposals. As soon as possible after receiving a proposal, the Speaker shall assign the proposal a number and distribute the proposal along with its number and the name of its proposer to all players.


The prescribed voting period for a proposal shall be one week, beginning at the time the Speaker distributes the proposal to the players.


Each Voter has exactly one vote. The Speaker may not vote.


Voters may vote either FOR or AGAINST any proposal within its prescribed voting period. In order to be legally cast, the vote must be received by the Speaker by the end of the prescribed voting period. The Speaker may not reveal any votes until the end of the prescribed voting period. Any Voter who does not legally vote within the prescribed voting period shall be deemed to have abstained.


At the end of the prescribed voting period on a proposal, the Speaker shall reveal all votes legally cast on that proposal. If the Speaker's consent may be required for a proposal to be adopted, then the Speaker should indicate at that time whether or not such consent is given. If the Speaker does not explicitly indicate refusal to consent to the proposal, it shall be assumed that such consent is given.


The voting requirements for the adoption of a proposal are as follows:

i) For a proposal which would directly alter the actions which are required of and/or forbidden to the Speaker:

* a simple majority of all votes legally cast, if the Speaker consents;
* a 2/3 majority of all votes legally cast, if the Speaker does not consent.
ii) For all other proposals, a simple majority of votes legally cast.

This rule defers to rules which set the required number of votes for proposals which propose to transmute a rule.


An adopted rule change takes full effect at the moment of the completion of the vote that adopted it.


Voters who voted against proposals which are adopted receive 5 points apiece. Voters who voted for proposals which are not adopted receive 5 points apiece. Players whose proposals are adopted shall receive 10 points. Players whose proposals are not adopted shall lose 10 points. Voting for proposals which then fail or against proposals which then succeed shall be known as "anti-voting".


If two or more mutable rules conflict with one another, or if two or more immutable rules conflict with one another, then the rule with the lowest ordinal number takes precedence. If at least one of the rules in conflict explicitly says of itself that it defers to another rule (or type of rule) or takes precedence over another rule (or type of rule), then such provisions shall supersede the numerical method for determining precedence. If two or more rules claim to take precedence over one another or defer to one another, then the numerical method again governs.


If players disagree about the legality of a move or the interpretation or application of a rule, then a player may invoke judgement by submitting a statement for judgement to the Speaker. Disagreement, for the purposes of this rule, may be created by the insistence of any player. When judgement is invoked, the Speaker must, as soon as possible, select a Judge as described in the Rules. The Speaker must then distribute the statement to be judged, along with the identity of the Judge, to all players.


If judgement was invoked by a Voter, then the first Judge to be selected to judge that statement shall be the Speaker. If judgement was invoked by the Speaker, the first Judge to be selected shall be a randomly selected Voter. In all cases, if a Judge beyond the first must be selected to judge a statement, it shall be a randomly selected Voter. The Voter thus selected may not be the player most recently selected as Judge for that statement, nor the player who invoked judgement.


After the Speaker has distributed the statement to be judged and the identity of the Judge, the Judge has one week in which to deliver a legal judgement. If a judgement is not delivered within this time, the Judge is penalized 10 points and a new Judge selected. A judgement is delivered by submitting that judgement to the Speaker, who must then distribute that judgement to all players as soon as possible.


A legal judgement is either TRUE, FALSE, or UNDECIDED. The judgement may be accompanied by reasons and arguments, but such reasons and arguments form no part of the judgement itself. If a judgement is accompanied by reasons and arguments, the Speaker must distribute the reasons and arguments along with the judgement.


All judgements must be in accordance with the rules; however, if the rules are silent, inconsistent, or unclear on the statement to be judged, then the Judge shall consider game custom and the spirit of the game before applying other standards.


In addition to duties which may be listed elsewhere in the rules, the Speaker shall have the following duties:

i) register new players;

ii) maintain a list of all players and their current scores, and make such a list available to all players;

iii) maintain a complete list of the current rules, and make such a list available to all players;

iv) make a random determination whenever such determination is required by the rules.


If a player believes that the rules are such that further play is impossible, or that the legality of a move cannot be determined with finality, or that a move appears equally legal and illegal, then the player may invoke judgement on a statement to that effect. If the statement is judged TRUE, then the player who invoked judgement shall be declared the winner of that game, and the game ends, with no provision for starting another game. This rule takes precedence over every other rule determining the winner of the game.

Mutable Game Rules
Rule 301
Submitted by Martin Stribblehill

All proposals submitted after the creation of this rule must contain at least one "spelling mistak". A "spelling mistak" is defined as the spelling of a word differently to its entry in the Chambers dictionary. The mis-spelling may not produce another English word.

Rule 302
Amended by Jack Rudd

The Speaker shall decide the pseudonym of any player who does not submit a successful request within the required period.

Rule 304
Submitted by Duncan Richer

There is a pile of points known as "Gratis Storage". Every time a proposal fails, 5 points are created in the pile. Whenever a proposal passes with no votes against, its author receives all points from the pile.

Rule 306
Submitted by Jon Monroe

NomiCam 2 shall appoint professors, including but not limited to Regius Professors of Pure and Applied Perfidy. No player may hold two professorships, and neither may the speaker hold a professorship. A proposal to fill either professorship with any voter not already holding a professorship is proposed and voted on like any other, with the following exceptions. -No player may propose his own appointment to a professorship -To fill a professorship which is already filled will require twice as many votes in favour as against Should a professor become Speaker, his professorship will be deemed vacant.

Rule 308
Submitted by Jon Monroe

Either Regius Professor of perfidy may stab the other by sending an e-mail to the Speaker containing the order "A Ven-Tri". This constitutes a stab under any circumstances, even if unintended. The stabbed professor is removed retroactively with effect from the time the e-mail stabbing him is stamped and loses sixty points and any tomatoes held.

Rule 313
Submitted by Alex Churchill

Every player must choose an Alignment. Initially the possible Alignments shall be "Good", "Bad", "Neither", "Both" or "Camel". If an amendment to this rule is made to allow other Alignments, delete this gratuitous 3rd sentence.

Players should send their Alignments to the Speaker, within 3 days of joining the game or this rule being passed. The Speaker shall randomly select the Alignment of any player who does not select an Alignment within the required period.

Rule 314
Submitted by Alex Churchill

If a proposal passes, all players of the same Alignment as the player who proposed the successful proposal shall gain two points.

A player may change their Alignment at any time, by sending notification to all other players. Such a change will, if their score is of the same sign as the number of points required to win, cost them 50% of their points.

Rule 317
Submitted by Jack Rudd

"Take A Chance On Me"

There exist items known as "chance cards". Their function shall be defined in later proposals.

Rule 318
Submitted by Jack Rudd

"Mama Mia"

If a proposal is submitted in a language other than English, the Speaker may, at his discretion, translate it or refuse to let it be submitted. This rule takes precedence over other rules regarding the submission of proposals.

Rule 322
Submitted by Jack Rudd

"The Winner Takes It All"

Anybody who wins a game gets 10 free points at the start of the next game.

Rule 323
Submitted by Jack Rudd

"Money, Money, Money"

The official currency of NomiCam 2 is the CamPound. 100 CamPennies = 1 CamPound. "CamPound" may be abbreviated to "Pound" or "£". "CamPenny" may be appreviated to "Penny" or "p".

Rule 326
Submitted by Jack Rudd


Each player starts with two cities of population 1000, and a road built between them. These shall be:
The current capital and the current seat of government, if these are different places.
The current capital and the largest other city, if the capital and seat of government are identical.

Rule 327
Submitted by Jack Rudd


Any rule may contain a French word instead of containing a Spelling Mistak. This rule takes precedence over rule 301.

Rule 329
Submitted by Jack Rudd

"Does Your Mother Know"

Each player's initial two cities start with a school. Any city, town, village or hamlet without a school has a 50% chance per real day of suffering from {Juvenile Delinquency}.

Rule 331
Submitted by Jack Rudd

"The Name Of The Game"

Each player starts in charge of a country. A "country" shall be any geographical area that is represented by exactly one team in international soccer competitions such as the World Cup.

Every player must submit a preference list of countries he wishes to play, and the Speaker shall decide what country each player gets.

A new player may not select a country already wholly or partly controlled by an existing player.

Anybody who has not submitted a preference list after 3 days of either (a) this rule being passed or (b) joining (whichever is the later) shall get the first available country after their surname in alphabetical order. [For example, if Martin Stribblehill were to fail to select a country, the first one to be assigned to him would be Sudan, then (if that were unavailable) Swaziland, etc, etc.

Rule 333
Submitted by Jack Rudd
Amended by Jack Rudd


There exists a Civilization Advance called "Railways". It falls into the categories of "Sciences" and "Crafts". It cannot be researched before the Advance known as "Steam Engine". Its value is 800 points. Any civilization which has discovered "Railways" may build railway stations in its cities.

Rule 337
Submitted by Jon Monroe

"Fair wages for all"
Any named office may have a salary. This shall be payd weekly at midnight on Sunday.

Rule 341
Submitted by Alex Churchill

If any proposal containing either the word "gratuitous" or the word "fish" passes, its proposer shall gain 15 points instead of the normal 10. If it fails, e shall lose 15 points insted.

Rule 346
Submitted by Jon Monroe

"Four Spades plus three"

Any player other than the proposer may double a proposal by sending an e-mail to the speaker and proposer within forty-eight hours of the proposal being published. The proposer may then redouble by sending an e-mail to the speaker and doubler within thirty-six hours of the double. If a proposal is doubled but not redoubled, then all points scored in connection with it are doubled. It a proposal is doubled and redoubled, points scored in connection with it are quadrupled.

This poposal complies with rool 301.

Rule 348
Submitted by Jon Monroe

"Disinterested proposals"

If anyone, when making a proposal, specifies that it is disinterested, then no points are awarded for antivoting on that proposal and the proposer gains no points for its passing. If it fails the proposer still scores -10 points, but e gains a tomato as compensation.This rule takes precedence over any rule awarding points in connection with votes on a proposal

This poposal complies with rool 301.

Rule 350
Submitted by Jack Rudd

1. There exist entities known as "Civilization Advances". Players' civilizations may discover these at various points.
2. Each Civilization Advance has a Points Value associated with it. You may discover any given Civilization Advance only once, and when you do so, you gain its Points Value to your score.
3. You may, provided this does not make your score negative, and provided it was not originally negative, submit any points you have towards gaining Civilization Advances: these exchange at a rate of 4 to 1 (eg cashing in 80 points would be needed if you required 20 points to get an Advance).
4. Civilization Advances may have other functions; see their specific rules (eg "Waterloo") for details.

Rule 351
Submitted by Jack Rudd

1. Civilization Advances all have at least one category associated with them. There is no limit on the number of categories one advance may belong to.
2. Categories include, but are not necessarily limited to, Arts, Sciences, Crafts and Civics.
3. All Civilization Advances belonging to a certain category count a fixed number of points to all other advances in that category. The exact number of points varies with the category.
4. Part 3 of this rule does not preclude certain advances contributing extra points to obtaining specific other advances.
5. A Civilization Advance may have, as part of its description, the statement that nobody may research it unless they already have another advance. Whoever is responsible shall monitor these proposals CAREFULLY to ensure that no circular loops form.
6. A proposal whose sole function is to define a Civilization Advance shall have a voting period of only 3 days.

Rule 353
Submitted by Jack Rudd

There exists a Civilization Advance called "Astronomy". It falls into the category of "Sciences". Its value is 80 points. Any civilization which has discovered "Astronomy" has its chance of losing ships (including triremes) at sea halved in all situations.

Rule 354
Submitted by Jack Rudd

There exists a Civilization Advance called "Cloth Making". It falls into the category of "Crafts". Its value is 45 points. Any civilization which has discovered "Cloth Making" may build triremes in any port.

Rule 356
Submitted by Alex Churchill

Any city may be given orders by the player controlling it, including but not limited to "Grow" and "Build". A city ordered to "Grow" increases in population by 500 per three days, until ordered to do something else.

Rule 361
Submitted by Jon Monroe
"Geography is invariant"

Cities, buildings in cities and countries are Nomic entities. The Recorder for these is the Professor of Geography. The Professor of Geography shall receive a salary of fifty Campounds weekly.

Civilisation advances are Nomic entities. The Recorder for these is the Professor of the History and Philosophy of Science. The Professor of History and Philosophy of Science shall receive a salary of thirty Campounds weekly.

Proposal 362
Submitted by Jon Monroe

A city has a GUP (Gross Urban Product) of 1 Campound per hundred people per week. This is increased by fifty percent for each of the following:
Stock exchange
A player may take a certain percentage of eir cities GUP in taxes. This percentage is also double the chance that a city will have riots. Riots kill 10% of a city's population and have a 20% chance, calculated seperately, of destroying each building. Taxes are collected and riots checked as soon as possible after midnight on Saturday.
Tax rates are a Nomic entity. Their Recorder is the Recorder for Campounds.

Proposal 364
Submitted by Jon Monroe
Active until May 31st

To introduce a rule entitled "Sound Money" Campounds are a Nomic entity. The Recorder for Campounds is appointed by the Speaker and has a salary of twelve Campounds weekly.

Rule 366
Submitted by Jack Rudd

There exists a Civilization Advance known as "Literacy". It costs 110 points. It falls into the categories of "Arts" and "Civics". It counts 25 points towards any Civic with a higher cost. It allows the cities of any Civilization that has discovered it to build Libraries. Proposal 367
Submitted by Jon Monroe
"Beware the mathematician"

Mathmosis is an infectius disease. Any infected city loses a third of its population every month.

Rulel 370
Submitted by Jack Rudd

Every time a new set of Native Tribes is created, it starts off with two cities in the same way that player civilizations do. Every five real days it gets a new city, in its most recently conquered country. This city shall be the capital (if that's not already there), or the seat of government (if that's not already there), or the largest untaken city. The Native Tribes' cities are randomly ordered with the available orders for cities.