~~Detail Episode Synopses~~

Here are some *very* detailed summaries of the episodes of Escaflowne. So far, only half of Episode 1 is up, but as I get time to rewatch the episodes and work on them, they're eventually all make their way up here:o)
Of course, there are spoilers, so be careful!!
I've tried to be as detailed as possible. Although, I've written the summaries so that someone unfamiliar with the series will understand(if they start with episode 1, at least:o)). I've tried my best not to give away things early, but sometimes I find it hard to write as if I'm watching the episode for the first time:o) I will try my best, tho!:o) The files are pretty long, so be prepared for a lot of reading!
It's also my goal to identify all the pieces of music being played in the background of each episode. For now their names are interspresed where the ybegin in the text, but someday, I hope to also include a table or something that lists all the songs:o)

Let's start!

Episode 1

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