This page was last updated on September 4, 2004.

Wanna know what I look like? Well, I don't have a picture yet, but click there for a paragraph version about what I look like and my interests.

If you're into astrology (and have a lot of time on your hands) try checking out my free natal chart reading as given by Well, with a few comments from me added in every now and then. And now...on with the show!

You know those "About Me" thingies people'll e-mail ya? Well, here's a page all about me using some of those questions. Enjoy!

Vital Stats

Full name: Ewen Audrey Chao
How to pronounce it: Ewen - Eee-win:o) Audrey- Aw-dree:o) Chao - Ciao, Chow, etc:o) Hope that helps out some:o)
Nicknames: Ummz...I think everybody just calls me Ewen:o) Online I usually go by Audrey:o) Oh yeahz - one of my friends has nicknamed me SpaziNewt cuz I'm like sooooo ticklish!:o)
Sex: Female
B-day: July 6, 1984
Western Zodiac Sign: Cancer the Crab
Eastern(aka Chinese)Zodiac Sign: Mouse/Rat
Blood Type: O+
Age: 20
Hair color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5'4"
Personality Type: Ummmz.... I took one of those personality tests once...but now I don't remember what I was...I think it was INTJ...I forgot what that means tho:o) But, I'm usually like really shy and stuff unless I know ya *really* well...I is helpful and wellz...I'm me!:o)
Parents: Mason and Sue
Siblings & Their Ages: Ehong - 19, Ewei - 16
Location: California
School: Caltech (California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA)
Job:Full-time Student
Best Friend: Brittanie Johnson
Girl/Boyfriend: yeah=D
Best Online Friends: Hmmm - I used to MUD a lot when I had the time...since I got into high school I've kinda stopped...I wish I could more, but... Anyway! Answer the question, Ewen!=) I've made bunches of friends in Federation and Medievia and some on KingsofChaos and on IRC, several of which I still occasionally talk to today=) Hey, if ya knew me from my Mud days, drop me a line! I'd love to hear from ya!=)
Pets & Their Names: I is petless at da moment.
Hobbies: Reading, Singing(trying to anyway;)), Acting(again, trying to), Writing, Drawing, Surfing the Web, watching too much Anime, Video Games, being a Caltech student and building crazy things and spending late nights working on physics and math sets or lost in a computer lab...

Getting to Know Me Questions

Best Advice Ever Given: I wouldn't know, ask the people who ask me for advice=) Half the time, I don't really realize I'm giving out advice, I'm just trying to cheer someone up or something=)
Worst Advice Ever Given: See above=)
Words Or Phrases You Overuse: Like, :::bounce:::, :::giggle:::, :o), I dunno/don't care, whatever... (again, this is one of those questions you ask my friends, not me;o)
Coolest Experience In Life: 1997 OM World Finals:o) (Update, make that 2002 OM World Finals=)
Would you rather be deaf or blind? Ummmz...blind I suppose...I is a good imaginer:o) I can't see 2 inches past my face clearly wifout my glasses already, anyway:o)
If you found out your best friend was gay/lesbian, what would you do? Uh...I don't get this question, what is it supposed to show about me? If I'm a homophobe or not?;o) Anyway, my best friend *is* lesbian, so whatever=) I'm fine with it=)
Do you consider yourself a good listener? Yuppers:o) I is way too shy to talk much anywayz:o) Not to mention when I do talk most of the time I ramble and end up making little sense:o)
Would you rather be short or tall? Ummmz...medium:o) I don't think it really matters:o)
Would you rather be overly happy and poor, or overly wealthy and unhappy? Overly happy and poor, course:o)
Would you consider your relationship with your parents bad, okay, good?? Ummz..Okay:o)
Do you like to dance? Ummmz...I guess I would if I knew how;) Last time my friend took me to one of her school dances, she had to get somebody to teach me:o) I usually went to my own school dances...but my friends never really danced anyway...we just spent da time talking:o)
What would be the first thing you'd change if you ruled the world? I probably wouldn't be caught trying to rule da world:o)
Do you think boys or girls have it easier? Well...being female, I gotta say guyz:o)Now if guyz had to go through periods and childbirth and junk like that...then, I dunno....Tho, one of my friends pointed out that boys have it harder - they live shorter...:::shrug::: I dunno...:o)
If you could change your name, what would it be? Umm...I'd keep it da same:o)
Have you ever thought you were going to die? Well...I've never thought I was going to die at that moment...but I've though about death before...not like we're all immortal or anything:o)
Book You Would Like to Read: Anything I can get my hands on!:o) But in reality, the problem now is just finding the time to read inbetween classes, homework and clubs and other activities...
Rosie or Oprah? Hmm...depends on what mood I'm in...Rosie most of the time, I suppose.
Have you ever wanted to run away? I've thought about it while I've been really upset (and was a whole lot younger)...but after I calmed down I realized running away would be kinda dumb:o)
What's your worst fear? I dunno...maybe dying...I'm awfully scared of spiders and bugs and bees...and after watching the X-Files, pretty much anything spooky on da show...Tooms(I know he's dead...but he's still scary!!!), black oil, disease carrying bees, etc:o)
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Nope
Is the glass half-empty or half-full? Half-full:o)
Pick a song quote that describes yourself: "OM - we're working over time! OM - but we won't rest until it's summertime!" Hehe...and even in the sumemr time I don't rest much=P
Which one: Coke or Pepsi? Neither:o) I like to drink milk:o) A few years ago I was buying Pepsi stuff to collect the Star Wars cans - thank goodness my bro's like Pepsi and stuff or we'd have a whole ton of random soda cans around my house:o)
Which kind of milk is your favorite? 2%
Are you a righty or a lefty or ambidextrous? Righty
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Usually...I never type the numbers or symbols right, though:o) (I usually use the number pad for numbers)
Character Traits You Look For Most In a Girl/Guy: I dunno...never really thought about it...I'll tell ya when I meet da perfect guy:o)(Which may never happen cuz like I expect way too much outta guyz if I were to fall in luv with them...well, I expect lots outta ppl in general...sheesh...I've even known this for quite a while yet I still can't get rid of the habit) Hehe - Ewen's a hopeless romantic and way too idealistic... *sigh*
What You Want To Be When You Grown Up: I dunno yet:o) I'm sure I'll figure it out when I need to:o) Most realisitically....probably something in science/engineering type fields. Now, if I could miraculously become like a film or theater star, well..I wouldn't turn away the opportunity:o)
Future Goals: I usually take each day as it comes:o) But yeah...I expect to finish college, maybe go to a little of grad school, get a job, etc... now the specifics I'm totally not sure about=)
Cold or warm weather: Warm:o)
Funniest person you know: Ummz...Grant Cole...wait...make that his entire family. They are all pretty wacky:o) Mike and Dave Garner too...but they're more of a pretty charismatic kinda spontaneous and stuff kinda family...


TV Show: X-Files (back when it was good anyway...say up to season 5 or maybe 6...)
Music: I don't listen to much like Classical and like all those Disney Songs and Broadway Show Tunes and I tend to listen to Anime Soundtracks and Film Scores and stuff, too:o)
Song: Since I don't listen to much music...why would I have a fav. song?
Food: Chocolate!:o) I luv potatoes in most any form, too:o)
Least Favorite Food: Asparagus
Number: 42!
Ice Cream: Gold Medal Ribbon
Candy Bar: Any kind of Chocolate long as it doesn't have nuts:o) Toffee is really good in chocolate, tho =D
Season: Summer
Vacationing Spot: Anywhere that's sunny and not too polluted, and free from smoking(Disneyland's an exception...I don't like people smoking there, but it's the happiest place on earth! I have to enjoy it there!)
Subject: Everything?
Sport: Figure Skating
Book: Ack!!! Scary question! When I can, I devour books...I generally like Fantasy and Sci-Fi, though:o)
Cartoon Characters: Those Baby Yoshi's in Yoshi's Story they are Soooooo cute!!!:o) Now, there are a *ton* of anime characters I love...but I don't feel like putting them under the category of cartoon=)
Anime: Tenkuu no Escaflowne! (the orginal Japanese, not the edited Fox junk!) Cardcaptor Sakura! (also the original - Nelvana hacked it up beyond recognition=( My poor Sakura-chan!!! *mourns*) Umm...other faves - Yawara! Kare Kano, Fruits Basket, Kodocha, A!MG, Lodoss War, Marmalade Boy, Utena, PSME, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne(altho, the manga's 10x better...can't wait to get all of it=)), Miyazaki stuff=)
Anime Character: Hitomi Kanzaki!=) Van Fanel's cute and a sweetie:o). Sakura Kinomoto ^^ Chiaki from KKJ's cool=) Jet from Bebop's neat=) Vash is cool=)
Actor: Harrison Ford...Ewan Mcgregor's getting there..need to see more of his movies, tho;)
Actress: Gillian Anderson
Movie: I recently fell in love with Moulin Rouge!. Of course, first and foremost, I love Star Wars, The Princess Bride, Lord of the Rings... Other goodies are: Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail, Spaceballs, Young Frankenstein, and a few others...:o)
Animal: Cats
Color: Purple
Day of the Week: Sunday
Month: July
Holiday: Halloween
Part Of Newspaper: Comics
Thing To Wear: Whatever's comfortable - usually, Jeans, Shirt, socks, shoes, Sweater if its cold, etc.
Adhesive: Duct Tape!:o)

Some Random Facts About Me

Final Quote: OM is life - Everything else is just Spontaneous!:o)

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