Salem's History
Salem's mother was Deebitt, a young and reckless woman. His father was Journeyman Harper Selor. They both died due to an unknown disease that wrecked havoc in Dragon's Sea Hold, Salem's birthplace. Their deaths were six turns apart. Selor died when Salem was nine. Deebitt when he was fifteen.
Deebitt had no craft, nor was she a drudge. She wandered Dragon's Sea for a long time, being with many different men, most of which nerver saw her again. Selor was one of them, though he saw her more often than the others. When Salem was born, he was tossed into one of Deebitt's friend's arms, for she didn't want nor know how to deal with a child. Selor didn't know he had a son, so he continued his averge life and meetings with Deebitt. Salem thought that Reia was his mother, and he was only close friends with Deebitt. Soon after Salem struck nine, a disease spread throughout Dragon's Sea, killing many, including his father. Reia revealed that Selor was his father, which greatly angered Deebitt. Six turns later, the disease sprang up again, but that time Salem had been Searched and was living in Talor Cliff Weyr. Deebitt was strong spirited, but not strong in health. She died from the disease quickly. Salem recieved the news from a messegeskin, which put him into a depression for a few sevendays. When he recooperated, the news was all over the Weyr. Many young ones said things, and as soon Salem found out, he fought. He recieved several scars which now show. He has been a trouble maker all his life. He has no intentions of stopping.
Ask more about Salem's history. Pick up the nearby leather bound book or ask how Salem was Searched. Bid him clear skies and walk out to Talor Cliff Weyr or ask to explore his weyr.