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Mike's Old Radios and Stuff

These are some of the radios I have in my collection. I will continue to add to this page as I take more pictures and/or buy other radios. I have a breif story under each picture, and what I think the value is based on my experience. If you think they are woth less, keep it to yourself, if you think they are worth more let me know.
1944 Arvin Mini Metal Model 444
Arvin Mini Metal
This is a 1944 Avin Mini Metal. This radio is in perfect condition. I bought this radio in Sho Low, Az, where we have a cabin. Aprox. Value: $125.00
Bulova 190 Series
Bulova Tube Radio
This radio was also purchased in Sho Low, Az. I purchased this radio for $35.00. Bulova Radios are the from the same maker as the famous watch. They are not the most common radios to find. I have two in my collection, and will get the other one posted shortly.
Aprox. Value: $70.00
1960's Zenith Console Zenith Console
This console was given to me by my nephew, Josh. It is in perfect condition, right down to the original owners manual. His neighbors were going to throw it away, and he knew I would take it! Values on consoles are not as easy to find as radios, but they are becoming more collectable everyday. Aprox. Value $100.00
1949 Emerson Model 587 Series B
1949 Emerson Model 587 Series B
This is a cute little radio. Emerson also offered it in white. This was given to me from a person I had helped out of a bind. AM only, it has pretty good sound and is in good shape.
Aprox. Value: $45.00
1937 GE Model F-65
1937 GE Model F-65
For a radio of this stature, I got it cheap. I bought this for $35.00 from a Antique store that was going out of business. It was in rough condition when I bought it, but I restored it and it came out great.
Aprox. Value $250.00
1942 Philco Model 42-327
1942 Philco
I got away cheap on this one also. This was in a thrift store (in rough condition) for $40.00. At this store, they have 1/2 price for seniors so I had my dad pay for it. Twenty dollars later it was mine. I had to restore it, but now this is a beautiful radio. I am in need of a better dial, so if you have info on one, let me know
Aprox. Value: $80.00
1957 Motorola Model 57 CC
1956 Motorola
This is another Sho Low, Arizona find. I bought this radio for $10.00, and it was a steal. Great color, very art deco. A radio exactly like it was in the movie "Good Fellows". It is in great shape.
Aprox. Value $125.00
Zenith Model 8Y02Z Wood
Zenith Wooden Radio
This was found at a garage sale for $15.00. I tried to talk the person down, but she wouldn't budge. No big deal, this is a sharp radio. This radio has the best sound of any I own. Dececnt shape
Aprox. Value: $65.00
1958 G.E. Model C-435A
1958 G.E. Table Radio
I found this at a thrift store for $5.00 It is really not that special, but it sounds great and is in great overall shape. Even if I think the style of a radio is just o.k., if the price is right I will buy it.
Aprox. Value $30.00
Emerson Model G 1705A
Another thrift store find, this one was $2.95. I like the looks of this radio, very 1960's. It is called the "Lifetimer II". I am not sure of the year, so if you you know please contact me. Great shape.
Aprox. Value: $30.00
RCA Table Radio Model X F-2
1950's RCA Table Radio
My wife found this radio for $5.00. I like the style of this radio, very upright. It's AM-FM, with good sound and a nice looking dial. Good shape.
Aprox. Value $40.00
Magnavox Model FM 040
I paid $5.00 for this radio. Wooden cabinette, nice face with AM-FM. Like all wooden radios, this radio has a very deep sound to it. Great shape.
Aprox. Value: $80.00