in the last 10 years
1987 Social Winner in Speed 
3th Social in the Absolute Championship
1988 Social Winner in Half-Deep
1989 3th Social in Speed 
Social Winner in Grand Deep 
2nd Social in the Absolute Championship 
2nd in Deep 
'AS PIGEON' in Grand Deep
1990 3th Social in Speed
1991 3th Social in Grand Deep
1992 2nd Social in the Absolute Championship
1993 Social Winner in Grand Deep 
Absolute Social Sub Winner 
Winner in Adult Deep Pigeon DERBI & Grand Deep of Catalonian Homping Pigeon Club 
3th in Regional Marathon
1994 MASTER of the Catalonian Homing Pigeon Fancer Club (C.C.C.) 
Social Winner of Grand Deep 
2nd Social in Absolute Social 
2nd Social in Speed 
2nd Social in Yearlings 
Regional Winner of the C.C.C. of Grand Deep 
Sub National Champion of Grand Deep
1995 Social Winner in Speed 
Winner of Salva Award

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