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Fashion is everywhere. Even in the internet and computers field. At this site fashion, web design and fun come together. Features is where you find your web design tips, reviews and links.


Web workshop

Fed up updating your pages? Tired of ugly fonts? Start using CSS. It's easy and a lot of fun. Visit the Web workshop and find out more about Cascading Style Sheets.



Digital painting revolutionized the way designers draw. Bren, hairstylist, explains her vision on the subject and compares original and digital images.


I use to oil paint and was surfing the Internet the other day and came across a site that the person had done some digital painting. I decided to try it and this is the first ones I came up with. It was lots of fun and I can't wait to play around some more with it. These pics are done totally from scratch...I did use a photograph to get ideas from though.




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