studio A

Board :

ampling Voices
32 Synthesizer Voices
20 Mbytes of Waveform RAM
160 Mbyte Hard Disk Storage
16 Multichannel Outputs
100 kHz Sampling Frequency
MIDI and SMPTE Timecode Interfaces
200-Track MIDI Sequencer
Cut-and-Paste Editing to 10 µS

NED Direct-To-Disk Multitrack Recorder:

Eight Digital Tracks
Variable Sampling Frequency to 100 kHz
13 Minutes per track at 50 kHz Fs
6.5 Minutes per track at 100 kHz Fs
High-Speed Tape Backup System
Non-Destructive Editing
Variable Crossfade In/Out (1-99 mS)

Also available

  • Mitsubishi 32-track digital.
  • Mitsubishi 2-track digital.
  • Lock-up to video.


Control Room:

20 x 14 feet

Sound Room:

40 x 30 feet.

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For further information on Barefoot Studios, please e-mail Barefoot Studios: