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The Youth Page

- Visitation Day on June 12.
- 3 Month Birthday Party at Kim-Anh's house.
- Happy birthday Suong June 25.
- Hoi Dong Giao Hat June 25-30.

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3 Month Birthday Party at Kim-Anh's house
All the VACH youth group are invited to come to this party, we'll have some games, if you want to swim please bring your swimming suit. It's held on June 13, it will be after Sunday services, be there at 4:00pm. For more information please contact Kim-Anh with e-mail:

Hoi Dong Giao Hat
The 24th Hoi Dong Giao Hat will be on June 25-30. Last year I had participated the Hoi Dong, I experience myself lots of things, there is so much thing you will never know before. You will meet all those special person, you get to know lots of people, some found their long distant friends, some have fun meeting new friends, God's works, and His words. You got to be there.

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Last Update: May 23, 1999