
Kool Kids Stuff

Yellow RoseBrianaYellow Rose

Briana Maria Antis

Kool Kids Hostess

"HELLO, Friends!" Come on in to my "Little Bitty" place on the web! I'm Briana and I love meeting new pals, playing games, dancing, tumbling, skating, dressing up and LAST but not least...SINGING!!

I've been performing and singing since I was two with SuperStar Kids of Garland, Texas. My teacher is Ms. Dorothy, but you mommies and daddies may remember her as "Darla" from the 1940's Little Rascals TV series...the one Alfalfa always had a crush on!! We get to perform at really neat places like The Texas State Fair, Six Flags over Texas, Texas Scottish Rite, Children's Medical Center and sometimes even the opry houses! If you get a chance, drop by and say "Hi".

A big TEXAS "HOWDY!" to all my friends Matthew, Laramie, Alinn, Rachel, Taylor, Stephanie Anne, Thumper, Parker, Rheagan and Devin.
Three words that best describe me?....SMALL, BUT LOUD!!...

Before you leave, check out all of my great kids links, my adoptions and awards I've won for my site! Thanks Ms. JoAnn for all your great work on my site and to my family...thanks for allowing me to have my own "Little Bitty" Place on the Web!

This Site Rated Awesome

The Kids Safe Rated
Search System

Just Us Kidz ApprovedSusan's Apple Award

Musical Notes

Melody's Birth CertificateMelody,Our Gift to Briana

For Briana,
Love, Stephanie & JoAnn!

Stephanie's Beautiful Site Award

Animated Flower AwardFamily Friendly Site

Grandma George Award

Smiley Site AwardGuest Book Award


|Entry Form| |Favorite Links| |Web-Rings | |Bulletin Board List| |Our Bulletin Board| |America's Picture Perfect| |Awards & Sponsors| |Kool Kid Links| |Briana's Adopted Pets| |Briana's Angels & Fairies|| |Briana's Web-Rings|

Click on the Links to the above Kool Sites !


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