Hello, welcome to my web page, its under construction right now, there is a few pages of my own I have made, that will have to do for now, so feel free to look around, and book mark this page I am always changing it. and sign the guestbook and tell me what you think!!
Laterz ~Natasha~

Guestbook by GuestWorld

" >

SoMe PaGeS I HaVe MaDe!

My winnie the pooh page!

My Backstreet Boys page!

My 2pac Page!

My Photo Album!

All about Me!

My Midi Page!

My South Park Page!

My dedication to Scott Moffatt page!

Some Graffix!

My adopted Pet!

My Mark Wahlberg page!

My Poems!

My Secret Page!

My Jokes Page!

My Justin Timberlake Page!

SoMe Of My FrIeNdS HoMe PaGeS!
Dustin's Page!

Jimmy's Page!

Forbidden Pleasures Page!

Mary Ann's Page!

Kamakazi's page!

~¤SnÖw BoÂrÐ KíÐ's Page!

Dr. Sample's Page!

Banif's Page!

SoMe ReAl CoOl LiNkS!

Get mp3's here!

Much Music Web Site!

Get a free e-mail account here!

Hotelchat.. Cool place to chat ! I love it =)

Chat Backdoors!.. Another way to enter a chat room!

E-Mail me @ Xx_Natasha_xX@hotmail.com

You are the Groovy Person to Visit MY page!
!!!!Since December 28/98!!!!
!Last Updated March 10th/99!

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The music you are hearing is Grease!

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