First name Valentina
Last name: Gratchova
Age: 50 years
Date of Birth: October 2, 1948
Height: 164 cm
Weight: 54 kg
Hair color: dark-brown
Color eye: blue and grey
e-mail: seabird@ochag.dp.ua
Occupation: an ecologist
Country: Ukraine
Shmidt str. 46 ap.19
Dnepropetrovsk 320006
Telephone: 38 0562 499891
Education: University
Marital status: divorced
Do you have children? What is age? Yes
What age range you seeking? 50-60 yrs
Primary preferance: possible marriage partner
What languages can you write in? English, Russian
Your religion (if any): Russian Orthodox
Your nationality: Russian
Your race of color: european white
Which race or color wold write to? white
Please give a brief description of the sort of person you wish to write: good, open, cheerful, romantic, devoted, honest, delicate, intelligent, educated, balanced, sensitive, understanding, generous, careful, faithful, dynamic
Please describe yourself (with mention to your personality traits and interests): soft, delikate, intelligent, good, open, cheerful, witty, honest, devoted, sociable, stubborn, slavishly, romantic, jealous, serious, modest, shy, virtuous, fearless, good-humoured, domesticated, toucky, vulnerable, careful, clean.
My interests are: poetry, music, ballet, dance, art, postage stamp collection, flower-growing, fencing, poular medicine, car-driving, knitting, cooking, mototourism, active rest, art, history, bouquet-making, sports, films.