First name: Victoria
Last name: Osipova
Age: 42 y. o. .
Height: 158 cm
Date of Birth: 4.03.1956
Weight: 58 kg
Hair color: blonde
Color eye: blue
Address: Dnepropetrovsk
Occupation: psychologist
Country: Ukraine
Telephone: 380-562-771341
Education: University
Marital status: divorced
Do write to someone with a child you? yes
Primary preferance: possible marriage partner
What languages can you write in? English
Your religion (if any): Russian Orthodox
Your nationality: Ukrainian
Your race of color: white
Which race or color wold write to? (V) Does not matter () black
(V) White (V) Hispanic () Asian
Kind, serious, generous, clever, tender, sociable, sensitive, sincere, open, honest.
Man: your heart can see, the most important things that your eyes are unable to!
Please describe yourself (with mention to your personality traits and interests)
Nature, travel, music classic, sports (shaping) art, theatre, cooking, dancing, sea, romantic. I want you to be the only border for any dream of mine. I want to be the first and the bast page in the book that you are reading. I want to be strong and to remain weak. I want you to realize suddenly that you are happy and that it is me who is the cause of this
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