Just for Fun


How to Photograph an Iguana

  1. Remove film from box and load camera

  2. Choose a suitable background and setting (branch, large plant) for photo

  3. Mount camera on tripod and focus

  4. Place iguana on setting and return to camera

  5. Focus with one hand and fend off cat with other hand

  6. Crawl after iguana on knees while fending off cat

  7. Pull reluctant iguana from under the cabinet

  8. Place iguana on setting once again

  9. Apply peroxide to your scratched forearms

  10. Grab cat and lock in one room

  11. Run towards setting in time to grab iguana and say "No, no, not there!"

  12. Rinse iguana in bath tub and wipe urates that have dribbled all over setting and floor

  13. Replace iguana on setting and return to camera

  14. Get iguana's attention by waving a leaf over your head

  15. Pull iguana off camera and check lens for damage

  16. Chase after iguana across the room

  17. Pull iguana off venetians, off your shirt then off your head

  18. Place iguana back in habitat

  19. Change torn shirt and pick up overturned objects

  20. Fix a strong drink

  21. Sit back in couch and resolve to photograph iguana first thing in the morning, *before* iguana has a chance to warm up

Questions ?... Comments ?... Do not hesitate to send me mail. :-)

Julie Chamberlain

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