Just for Fun
IguanaThe IguanoPage -- Title

Welcome to the Iguanopage! My name is Julie, and I am the proud owner of two beautiful green beasts, which I named Freddie and Cujo. Freddie is my 3 1/2-year-old female GGI (giant green iguana) and the first iguana I have ever owned. Like many other owners, I had bought Freddie on an impulse, and hadn't a clue as to how to care for her. As a result, Freddie's physical and mental health declined during the first year I had her, and of course I had no idea why. I did have a book on iguana care, but not nearly detailed enough to help me with the very specific problems I had. And because I live in Canada, where herpetology is still very new, I had no one I could turn to for help. Then, I discovered the internet.

Lo and behold, I found tons of information on iguana care! I spent hours surfing the net, reading documents, e-mailing herp experts, and sharing my experiences with other iguana lovers through chat forums and mailing lists. Thanks to all this new knowledge, I was able to make both my GGIs' lives a lot better. And so, I decided to create his web site to offer the same information that was so helpful to Freddie and Cujo. I hope it will be as helpful to you as it was to me.

Enjoy your visit!

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Copyright (c) 1997 Julie Chamberlain
All rights reserved.

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